Chapter Two

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Draco POV

Well, suprise suprise, I got a letter from Dumbledore  (yes he's alive along with a lot of others) inviting me back to hogwarts for my seventh year. I don't want to go but mother is making me. Nobody is going to talk to me except Blaise and Pansy, oh yea and they are dating now. Yay for me. They are always snogging eacothers faces off whenever I come around. It's so gross. In the letter I got it said i was head boy, don't even know why they picked me, and I got to share a dorm with head girl. That's the only reason I'm going back to school, because almost everyone knows Hermione Granger will be head girl. The truth is I've loved Hermione since first year. And then it was only a crush. But when it came to third year when she punched me. Oh, sweet Merlin I love that women. I admit it, it was wrong of me to blame Hagrid for that stupid bird. But it felt so good when her fist collided with my face. I mean it hurt yea, but it still felt good. When it came to fifth year when we smelt amortentia I smelled her and knew I loved Hermione Granger with all my heart. That is why I can't wait to go to school. After the war I thought I would never see her again. I'm happy I'll get to see the love of my life one last time and tell her my feelings. Unlike mother and father, mother said she hopes that he'd rot in Azkaban prison where he will serve a life sentence. Now off to hogwarts for another year.

Authors note:
Again thisis my first story I hope it's not absolutely terrible. Hope y'all like it❤

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