Chapter Seventeen

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Bree POV

I just remembered that Christmas break is coming soon. 1 week to be exact. I'm kinda scared. Blaise and I are going to Malfoy Manor to meet our parents. Draco just told  me that his mum killed my mum a while back. I got really mad until I realized that the letter my father sent me said that him and mother would love to meet me and Blaise. That would mean she isn't dead. Right? I kinda  hope she isn't dead I would really like to meet her properly. Also, I'm going to Dumbledore today to see if i can get resorted. I believe I am a true slytherin.

Blaise POV

Bree just told me that we are going to Malfoy Manor to meet our parents for Christmas break. So.... Can't wait for that. Note the sarcasm.

Bree POV

I just got to the old guys room/ tower thingy. I'm going to guilt him into resorting me. I walked to the door and knocked.

"Come in." The headmaster called

I walked in and saw him sitting at his desk. So I walked right up and  began talking.

"So Headmaster, I believe that I should get resorted. Before you protest I would like to say why. I believe this because if you had convinced the hat to put me into another house, then that just mean that he wanted to put me into another house, correct? And if he did I would like to say that it is against the rules to convince the sortinghat to put me, or any other students, into another house other than the one destined for them. I would like it if I could get a resorting." I say almost immediently. Saying whatever came to mind first.

" Ok. Take a seat." He said calmly wow that was quick

"Uhm... okay." I say slightly aware of how he said that almost immediently. I take a seat on the wooden stool he set on the ground for me. I sat down and he put the hat on top of my head.

A few seconds later the hat bellowed its answer

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat screamed

"Yes!" I cheered silently I quickly changed the colors on the uniform I was wearing, to silver and green.

"Oh yes, and Breeanna." The headmaster said before I left

"Yes?" I replied quiestioning him

"You now have the same classes as Draco Malfoy." He said

"Ok!" I said cheerfully

I quickly walked out to find Draco in the great hall at the slytherin table. I walked over to him and since he didn't see me I walked behind him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He was surprised before he noticed it was me.

"Oh, hey Bree." He said

Draco POV

All the guys at the table were looking at me surprised that i knew the new hot girl/ slytherin. I got up and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips. As I did the guys all looked away, noticing she was taken.

" Guess what." She said

"What." I said replying immediently

" Two things. One, I'm a slytherin now! And two, I now have the same schedule as you do!" She said gleefully

I was so happy that I got to spend more time with her. I love her. That's one thing I'm sure of.

Author Note:

I hope y'all like the story

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