Chapter Eleven

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Ginny POV

"Hey Red will you be my girlfriend?" Blaise asks me while we are cuddling on the couch. I froze and started to cry, cry happy tears.

"Red, Why are you crying?" He sounds so caring awww

"Two reasons *sniff* 1: Im so god damn happy and *sniff* 2 What the hell took you so long!" I mean really it took him FOREVER to grow a set of balls and ask me.

"Hey!" Blaise whisper yells

"Damn mind reader!" I whisper yelled back. I leaned against his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist and we fell asleep immedientl. Feeling full.

*time skip to morning*
9:30 am

Draco POV

I woke up and saw the beautiful brown hair In my face. It smelled wonderful. It was so soft. I snuggled in closer to it. Then I pulled back and stared at her face for a few minutes. She looked so peaceful when she slept, so innocent.

"Do you like watching me sleep or something?" I heard Mia ask me

"Yep, you're adorable when you sleep. " I say immediently before I can think.

"Ok how about this. You can stare at me while I'm sleeping as long as you want  but when I wake up you have to give me a kiss. Deal?" Hermione asked me I knew the answer immediently.

"Deal." I said as I leaned down for a kiss

"Dramione!!!" I heard a voice yell

"Blinny!" Hermione yelled in response looking at Blaise and Ginny cuddling on the couch

Ginny and Hermione glared at each other while I was laughing in my mind

"Her don't laugh!" Hermione yelled at me

"Sorry Mia." I apologized

"What he didn't laugh." Ginny and Blaise said confused

"Yes he did in his mind." Hermione replied before I could say anything.

"What! Can you do Legilimency?" Ginny asks then i heard Mia' s voice in my head

Can I tell them you're a veela?

Yea sure I don't care

Thanks Draco

"Ok so Draco is a veela. So I can read his mind and feel his emotions and when he gets hurt I can feel it and vice versa." Hermione explains

"Ok" Ginny says but Blaise collapsed. Ginny screamed while Hermione and I just stood there.

"Draco go get a washcloth or something! Hermione go get a bottle of water!" Ginny screamed at us.

After a second we didn't move so Ginny screamed at us again " Move it!"

Then we both ran around to get everything Ginny told us to get. After we came back Ginny put some water on the washcloth and neatly folded it, and put it on Blaise' s forehead. Then looked at the rest of the water determining what to do with it then all in one motion poured it over Bliase's head. He jumped up immediently.

"Blaise, honey, why did you faint?" Weaselette asks him

"Ok do when Draco said he was a veela a i got so happy I fainted." Bliase replied

"Yea but why were you happy?" Ginny asks

"Because I'm a veela, too."

Authors Note:
Oooh cliffhanger
Hopey'all like the story
I had a fun time writing it

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