Chapter Nine

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Ginny POV

After I saw Parkinbitch fly I had to go find Hermione to make sure Parkinson hadn't hurt her. I looked everywhere but the head compartment because I was pretty sure she wouldn't be in there the same time as Malfoy. I had to go check the head compartment anyway. I wonder if her and Malfoy have kissed yet. I mean I've been going on about dramione forever. Hermione is tired of it but I know she likes him so i don't stop. I was thinking about dramione all the way to the head compartment. When I walked in I saw them cuddling on the couch. Adorable.

"Awww" I whispered underneath my breath but then I screamed/squeeled "Dramione! Dramione is happening!"

Draco POV

I woke up to someone screaming about 'dramione' what is dramione? I saw Weaselette she must've been the one to scream so I looked up at Hermione but she was already standing up looking at Weaselette with anger in her eyes.

"Ginny what did I say about that word." Mia asks Weaselette

"Not to say it, but its true Mione, it's actually happening!" Weaselette squeeled

I was so confused. I didn't get it. The next thing I saw was Hermione tackling Weaselette to the floor. I just say on the couch and laughed my head off

Hermione POV

When Ginny mentioned dramione I tackled her I hate it when she says it, but now, it's true. We heard unusual laughing so we froze and looked at Draco. Draco Malfoy was laughing, a real laugh. It sounded so foreign. So I started to laugh too. Ginny was just looking at us like we were crazy. It was funny. When I looked at her I laughed even harder.

"So, Hermione. What were you and Malfoy doing when I came in?" Ginny asked and I started to blush. Then I heard Draco in my mind.

You don't have to say anything  you don't want to say

Can I tell her you are a veela

Yea sure I don't care

Ok thanks Draco

"Ok Ginny so promise me you won't freak out."

"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye. Yea. Yea. I swear. Tell me!" Ginny said super fast.

"Ok so... Dracoandiaredatingandhe'saveela" I said super fast

"Ok say that again but slower." Gin said

"Draco and I are dating and he is a veela." I said looking down at the floor my hair covering my face

"Dramione!" Ginny squeeled

" Dammit Gin shut up!" I yell at her losing it.

Draco POV

"Someone tell me what dramione is!" I yell I am super confused

"Gin you explain to Draco what dramione is" Hermione says to Weaselette.

"Why me!?" Weaselette says back

"You owe me because of... of... What your stupid, asshole, nitwit, pile of dung, brother did to me!" Hermione whisper yelled back I could feel her being sad and angry.

"What did my brother do this time? " weaselette asks

"I'll tell you later explain to Draco what dramione is" Hermione says changing the subject.

"Ok... Uhm... So Draco, Dramione is something I created, uhm, ok I'll just come out and say it... I always pictured you and Hermione dating so I made a ship name. It's your names combined into one. It's your couple name." Weaselette explains to me

"Uh... Okay... If if it involves me and Hermione... Together then yeah I ship it." I say

"Yaaaaaay! My Ship!!!!" Weaselette screams while walking out. But she smacks into Blaise and she almost falls but Blaise catches her by the waist.

"Wow red if you wanted my attention you could've just asked." Blaise said with a smirk

"Yaaaas! Blinny has set sail!!!" Hermione yells

"Hermione!" Weaselette conplains

"What I always pictured you with Blaise so you are Blinny!!!" Hermione excitedly states.

Authors Note:
Hope y'all like the story so far I'm having fun writing it.
Sorry for my French

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