Chapter Fifteen

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Breeanna POV

I slowly woke up in the morning feeling strong arms around my waist. I turned around and saw that Draco was still asleep. I kissed his nose. And he still sing wake up. That's when I got an idea. I looked around and saw no one around.

"Draco! Help!" I screamed

" Hmmm? I'll save you!" He yelled springing up. I started laughing uncontrollably. Then I heard two other people laughing along with me.

" Good morning, isn't it! Blaise, Ginny." I said acknowledging them.

" Why yes it is. You put on quite a shiw for us." Ginny said amused

" Yes you did." Blaise added " So I have a question if you don't mind me asking?"

" Ask away." I say

" So what do we call you now? Hermione? Breeanna? Bree? B?" He asks with uncertainty.

" You can call me Breeanna or Bree I don't care." I say back

" Ok thanks Bree." He says happily " But I'm still sad you aren't my sister."

" Oh it's ok Blaise." I say to him I still know something he doesn't know. I really want to tell him. But Father, Mrs. And Mr. Zabini said I shouldn't  tell him just yet.

" Hey Bree what do you actually look like?" Ginny asked me

" Omg I don't  know , give me a second I'll be right back." I said as I ran upstairs to take off the glamour charm. I ran straight to my room and stood in front of the mirror and muttered the spell.

Oh Merlin! I look just like Bellatrix! I was so surprised. I looked at my arm and saw that the word mudblood was gone. Then it hit me Bellatrix knew I was her daughter so the words we pulled off by the glamour charm. I squeeled really loud in delight.

A few seconds later all my friends ran into my room. Ginny fainted probably thinking I was Bellatrix or something. I burst into laughter. Draco and Blaise stared at me.

" Bellatrix?" Draco asked with uncertainty

I just kept laughing and laughing

" No it's me Breeanna." I replied gasping for air as I laughed

" Sweet Salazar! Bree you look just like Bellatrix. " Draco said realived

" Blaise you ok?" I ask him

" yea you look just like ur mum." He said stunned

" yea"

" Hey Bree why did you scream?" Draco asks me as Ginny wakes up

I showed them my arm and squeeled again.

" it's gone!" I yelled " my mum just put a glamour charm on so when I took it off it would disappear." I said excitedly

" Hey guys. You know what. I'll be back later I gotta go talk to someone." I say

Ten minutes later

I was walking through the corridors. Whenever a student looked at me they would scream and run. And to be honest I liked it. I laughed every time.

I got to Dumbledorks office. And knocked on the old door.

" come in." I heard from the inside

I walked in and all the students ran out. I cackled and laughed.

" B- Bellatrix? I-is that y-you?" The old coot asked fearfully.

" No headmaster it is me. Hermione. No no my name is Breeanna Bellatrix Riddle. I trust you know my parents correct?" I ask innocently.

"Oh Lord Hermione you figured it out."

" my name isnt Hermione!" I yelled at him ok I have my father's  temper. " sorry headmaster." I muttered.

" it's quite alright dear child."

" Why did you take me and my brother from our parents, our family." I ask him

" dear hermi- Breeanna I had to save you and your brother. Your parents would have hurt you or gotten youin trouble." He replies

"You took me and my brother from my only family!" I yelled " You separated us! We are twins and he doesn't even know! He got to live his life with purebloods while I had to live with muggles! I thought I was a mudblood for years! Then I was told i was a Zabini! But nooo I am a riddle and I am proud of it!" I yelled and stormed out of ths room slamming the door behind me. " dumb old dork." I muttered under my breath as I walked back to my common room.

A short while later

I just entered the common room.  When I started crying.  I had to tell him.

" Blaise!!!" I yelled across the place

"Yes Bree." He saod as he came downstairs. I checked and we were the only ones downstairs so i took the glamour charm off him and transfigured the coffee table into a mirror.

" Aww Blaise you look  just like daddy." I said tears rolling down my cheek.

" what?" He asked confused

" Blaise I'm your sister. We are twins. Our parents are Tom and Bellatrix Riddle. Your name is Bliase Tom Riddle. Dumbledore took us away from them when we were little." I said as I started to cry.

Author Note:

I know weird right

Hope y'all like the story

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