Chapter Ten

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Hermione POV

"Ok since both of you are here we gotta tell you something." I said to them thinking about how to tell them they get to live with us for a year.

" You two get to share a dorm with us for a whole year! Yay!"Draco explained his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Omg! HERMIONE yaaaaaasssss! I'm not Lonely!!!!!!!" Ginny screamed.

"Wait mate I get to share a room with you red and granger. Oh hell Yea!" Blaise said to Draco as Ginny and I groaned

"Blinny" I whispered so only Ginny could hear.

"Dramione" Ginny whispered back. Then we were shooting death glares at each other. The boys stared at us to see who would snap first. We stayed like that for about 5 minutes until Draco grabbed me by the waist and Blaise grabbed Ginny. Then we screamed out of surprise. And we both yelled at the same time.



Then we all burst out laughing.

Professor Mcgonagal POV

We arrived at Hogwarts so I went to the heads compartment to find the head girl and boy.

I got to the compartment and heard laughing from inside I looked through the glass I saw Draco holding Hermioneby the waist and Blaise holding Ginerva by the waist. I laughed softly. I owe Severus a few more galleons. How is he so good at matchmaking. I walked in and the students looked at me.

"I just wanted to tell you all We have arrived at Hogwarts." I said professionally

"Ok thanks you professor." Four voices chimed.

*time skip to great hall*

Blaise POV

"Hey mate i think I'm going to ask Red out sometime soon." I told Draco while eating a chicken leg

"Go ahead mate I think she likes you." The blond replies

"Really? I think I will then." I say confidently

Ginny POV

"Hey Hermione I think i like Blaise. " i say silently while staring at the pretty boy on the other side of the hall

"I think he's gonna ask you out." Hermione says confidently

"Really?" I say excitedly

"Yup" Mia replies

*time skip to end of banquet*

Hermione POV

"Hey come on Gin Mcgonagal wanted to see us after the feast." I say rushing Ginny. Draco and Blaise are already up there.

When we get up there Mcgonagal says to follow her upstairs to the room of requirement. She tells us its our dorm it is behind a portrait of Fred (poor Fred😢😭) the password is 'Mischief Managed' we walked in and Ginny and I turned to run up the stairs. But we got caught in strong arms.

"Where do you think you are going?" They say in unison. And then chuckle and smirk.

They take us to a couch each Ginny and Blaise on one and Draco and I on the other. Draco and I cuddle up with eachother and fall asleep.

Blaise POV

Ginny and I were sitting in silence on the couch it's a bit awkward. So I decide tk ask her a important question.

"Hey Red will you be my girlfriend? "

Authors Note:
Mwahahahah Cliffhanger!!!
I love this story it is amazing...
Hope y'all like the story

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