Chapter Six

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Hermione POV

I just kissed Draco Malfoy!!!!! Omg I am just so happy ahhh. Then he started to burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"  I asked him but then I heard his voice in my mind.

Well since I'm a veela after we kissed I can now hear your thoughts and you can hear mine. Oooh.

I swear I almost screamed but instead I fainted the last thing I remember is falling against his rock hard chest.

30 minutes later

I woke up again this time with both hands locked to the bed. But it wasn't a bed I was laying on a person. Wait what a person. Then I heard Draco in my head.

Mrs. Pomfrey said I could take you to the heads compartment you're all right.

Some reason his voice calmed me. I layed back against his chest  he spoke "Hey Hermione, as much as i like laying here with you we are almost at hpgwarts you might want to go put on your robes." I nodded and said I'd be back.

Draco POV

Right when she stood up I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her down to me and gave her a peck on the lips. "Hey Hermione I got a question for you."

"Ask away." She said curiously

"Okay here we go, Hermione Jean Granger will you be my girlfriend?" I asked cautiously she didn't say anything so again I assumed the worst "I mean it's fine if you don't want to I me-" I was cut off with a huge hug.

"Yes! Yes! A million times Yes!" She screamed at me I was so happy.

While we were laying on the floor I cupped her face in my hand and leaned in "thank you" I whispered against her lips before leaning 8n the rest of the way for a slow passionate kiss.

"It was my pleasure bcause I've liked you for a while" she replied after a few minutes to breath while smiling

"Oh but I've Loved you longer" I reply almost immediently with a smile.

I've Loved You For A While (Dramione + Blinny)Where stories live. Discover now