Chapter Seven

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Hermione POV

For about a good five minutes we cuddled in the hospital bed kissing and murmuring sweet nothing's to each other.

"Hey Mia?" Draco asked me while we were cuddled up in another. Mia? Why did he call me Mia? Then I heard his voice in my mind
Oh yea sorry I kinda have you a nickname you're friends call you Mione so I wanted to call you Mia is that all right?

" it's fine Draco but whats your question?" I asked curiously

" I was going to say you might want to get changed into your robes you didn't change earlier."

" Oh yea! Shit! Dammit! Ugh!" I yelled as realization came over me. " I think I left my tru-"

"Nope i grabbed it it's in the heads compartment with my stuff." He said I was so thankful he grabbed it. Whew! I was happy so i leaned in for a kiss, he brought our lips together, and my hands went to his hair, it was so soft. His hands were on the back of my neck and the small of my back. He slid his tongue over my bottom lip and I opened my mouth to grant entrance. After a few minutes of making out we were almost at Hogwarts.

"I'm going to go change now, I'll be right back." I said catching my breath. Then I walked (I pretty much skipped out of happiness) back to the heads compartment. Grabbed my robes got changed and I was on my way back to where Draco was when I saw Pug face ParkinBitch (Parkinson)

"Hey Mudblood" she said cheerfully I've heard the word so many times I just got used to it, so I kept walking. She turned me around by my shoulder. " Hey mudblood didn't anyone tell you not to walk away from your superiors." Again  I ignored her.
Then I heard Draco's voice.

Is that Parkinson.


Do you want help

Nope I'm good

If she starts hurting you I'm coming


As I started to walk away from Pug face she turned me aro7nd again and pushed me to the floor ok Draco you can come now i thought quickly. Just like Ronald did she started kicking my ribs. Yup I heard cracks. Hurry up Draco. I thought I saw him before blacking out. Again.

I've Loved You For A While (Dramione + Blinny)Where stories live. Discover now