Chapter Eight

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Draco POV

I heard her in my mind telling me to come so I ran around the train following her scent ( veelas have better smell sight and hearing) I finally found her on the ground barely conscious while Pansy was kicking her ribs. What's with Mia always getting kicked in the ribs.

"Pansy! Pansy! Stop!"

"But Drakey the mudblood wou-" before she could even finish her sentence I pinned her against the wall.

"Do not call her that word!" I pretty much screamed at her. Before I could put her back on the ground she tried to kiss me. But veela instincts won't let anyone but my mate kiss me so Parkinson flew. Like there was a forcefield  around me. Only my girl could kiss me. I was happy about that now pug face couldn't kiss me. I gently walked over to Hermione and gently picked her up and walked to the heads compartment. I quickly have her a few potions and she was good. Sleeping but good. And she looked damn good too. She looked so peaceful when she slept. We had a huge compartment so we laid down on one of the couches in the room. And we both fell asleep.

Minerva POV

I really need to find the head boy and girl. I need to tell them the news. They will probably be intheir compartment. I walk into the compartment to see the two cuddling on the couch they are adorable. I wonder if they are a couple if they are than I owe Severus a few galleons. Yes we made a bet, so.

Hermione POV

I saw a bright light so I started to wiggle around. I cuddled closer to Draco. But as I did so I heard a giggle. I sat up and looked around. 

"Oh hello professor!" I said as soon as I saw her. Then I smacked Draco's arm and he woke up.

"What? Oh hello professor!" He said when he came in realization.

" Hello children, if you don't mind me asking are you together now?"
Professor mcgonagal said curiously but anxiously

"Why yes professor, I am dating the ferret." I say glancing at Draco

"Hey!" He said acting annoyed


"Its fine"

"Anyway what brings you to our compartment professor?" Draco asks after a few seconds.

"Well since you two are heads and we don't have enough rooms you both can have a prefect stay in your dorm with you."

All most immediently we both yelled



"Ok that's settled. Here is a folder of all the duties you have as heads." She explained handing us a folder that I grabbed.

"Ok thank you professor." I said to her as she left.

I was going to start looking at the folder but someone *cough* Draco *cough* wouldn't let me

" Nooo, please lay with me a little bit longer" he whined but he was so cute so I couldn't say no. So I just laid down with him a little bit longer. This will be a fun year at Hogwarts.

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