Chapter Twelve

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Ginny POV

Omg Blaise just said he was a veela and a million questions came to mind

But what about me?
Am I his mate?
I mean I have to be his mate right?
If I'm not his mate I'm going to go ballistic.
My relationships never work.
I dated Dean Thomas, that didn't work.
I dated Michael Corner, nope.
Then I dated Harry Potter, he wanted to be friends only.
Then I found Blaise Zabini and he's a veela and I may or may not be able to spend the rest of my life with him.
Oh my godric!
My life is falling apart.

Blaise POV

I started to get pains in my stomach and I knew that they were from being a veela. Then I saw Hermione doing the same thing at the same time.

Hermione POV

Ok so truth is I'm not a Granger, I'm not a mudblood. I'm actually a Zabini, I'm Bliase's twin sister, Blair. Haha funny right? That's the thing I'm also a veela. Yay!

*time skip to a few minutes later*

Bliase's POV

After a few minutes Hermione and I stopped clutching our stomachs.

"Hey, Granger why were you clutching your stomach?" I ask her curiously.

Hermione's POV

I'm gonna tell them ok deep breaths

"Ok so I'm not a Granger. I'm not a mudblood. Yay! Right? I'm actually a pureblood. My name is actually Blair Mia Zabini. Blaise I'm your twin sister." I say waiting for their reactions.

"Sweet Salazar! Its you Blair! Mum said I had a sister and she lost her. I always thought was a miscarriage!" Blaise scooped me in a big hug and cried happy tears. I cried with him.

"Hey, Blair? If you're Bliase's twin why don't you look like him." Draco asked.

"Oh yea its a glamour charm here let me take it off, I'm going to go to the bathroom to do it tho, I'll be back. Ginny you coming!" Hermione yelled

"Coming!" Ginny yelled back

When Ginny came in I got ready.

"K Gin you ready."


I said the spell and my skin free darker my eyes changed color my hair got darker. I got more curves too.  I also grew taller.

"K guys I'm coming out!" I yelled out to the boys.

I walked out with my eyes closed after a few seconds no one said anything so I opened my eyes. Ginny was looking at me and so was Blaise, but Blaise looked happy and overhours to have his sister. I looked at Draco. He was looking at me with his Mae wide open and his eyes as wide as possible.

"Are you trying to catch flies or something." I asked and smirked.

"Wow Draco I think you're girlfriend can smirk better than you can." Blaise chuckled and Draco finally closed his mouth.

"How long have you known?" Draco finally speaks

"Since second year, that's why when you called me it, I ran away crying cause I knew I wasn't s mudblood but that is what people will know me as forever." I explained

"Herm- I mean Blair, i am so sorry for evrything i said to you. I was an 'foal loathsome evil little cockroach' as you said in third year." He said with a smile.

I actually couldn't believe that he remembered what I called him years ago. I chuckled at the memory.

"Thank you."

" I think you should have been sorted inti slytherin, wait why weren't you sorted into slytherin again?" Draco asks

"Dumbledore convinced the sorting hat to put me in gryffindor." I say

"Ok. I still think you should be a slytherin." Draco says and I chuckle.

*time skip to bedtime*

Blair POV

"Hey Blair" Draco says before we go to bed.

"Yes" I say back climbing into bed with him. We made a habit out of it.

" I am your mate right?" He asks uncertain.

"Of course Draco I love you." I say looking into his eyes as i did I could see pure happiness. Then I felt proud of myself that I'm the one who made the storm go bright.  I will love Draco Malfoy with all my heart.

Authors Note:

Ok so now we have another veela and another Zabini and even better/ worse they're twins
I had fun writing this chapter
I hope y'all liked it

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