Chapter Nineteen

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Bree POV

I was in my room with Ginny getting ready. She was wearing a long black dress that had an open back. It was really pretty and I knew Blaise would like it.

Ginny POV

Ok so I'm kinda excited amd kinda worried. Nope. I'm scared too. Will Blaise like my outfit. I mean I really hope he does. I mean what if he doesn't. What if he wanted me to wear a different dress. Oh Merlin. Im over thinking things.

Blaise POV

Ok I feel like my clothes aren't good enough. I'm just wearing a black tux nothing really fancy. Draco and I are waiting for our dates inside. There are tons of girls staring at us. I mean who can blame them. We're hot! Band Gin are very lucky

Draco POV

I was excited but worried i was wearing the same tux as Blaise. And Blaise already gave me the 'If-you-hurt-my-sister-I'll-hurt-you-talk' and I actually thought he would hurt me. But he knows I wouldn't hurt Bree.

Bree POV

Ginny and I already did our makeup so we were on our way to the ball. We planned on being late so we could make a big entrance. Ginny would go in first. I would wait. Then I would walk in. People would scream ' bellatrix!' Because I swear I look just like my mum, it's scary. So I don't blame anyone who screams. So I waited for Ginny to go in. I waited 5-10 minutes and then I walked in and everyone was staring at me. So I said

"Don't worry! I'm fashionably late!" I said just loud enough so everyone could hear me.

" Bellatrix!"


"You're supposed to be in Azkaban!"

People started screaming at me

"Oh. But I'm not Bellatrix. I'm her daughter. Breeanna Bellatrix Riddle" I yelled the last part. And then smiled a wicked smile and walked over to Draco.

" that was fun." I said smiling at my friends

After the ball

All thru the ball everyone kept their distance from me. Afraid I would hurt them or something. It was great.

While we all walked back to our common room. I was really excited. Tomorrow I get to see my dad. I couldn't wait.

Blaise POV

Ok so just like Bree she looked really excited and happy I'm not sure if it is because everyone was scared of her or because we get to see our dad tomorrow. But I was also really happy

Draco POV

I fell asleep in Bree's bed while waiting for her to get out of the shower. I mean I couldn't help it. Her bed is so much better than mine.

Hermione POV

I got out of the shower and got dressed in pjs. My intentions were to go straight to bed. But when I got out of the bathroom. I saw that my boyfriend was asleep in my bed. Hogging the whole bed. There was a small space where I think I could fit. It was right between him and the wall. I gently crawled over him and into the spot. As soon as I laid down I put my head on his arm to use it as a pillow. As soon as I decided to close my eyes he spoke.

"Ya know ya could have just asked me to move over." He mumbled smirking

"Don't bother know I'm comfortable." I said looking up at him

"Ok" he said but he still scpored over and gave me room but then he scooted back over and cuddled with me. I sighed contently.  And fell asleep with my boyfriend.

Bree POV

Omg I am so excited. I woke up and literally jumped out of bed. And woke Draco up. Then ran to Bliase's room and jumped in his bed like a fiver year old until he woke up. Then ran to Ginnys room and woke up. The whole time i was singing

"Its Christmas break! Its Christmas break!"

I then ran back to my room to find something to wear. I finally decided on jeans, a green crop top, and a black jacket. It was nice. Draco and Blaise were both wearing jeans and a t shirt. Ginny was wearing leggings and a sweater.

When we got to the train station we got on the train and found an compartment. Ginny and Blaise fell asleep immediently. Then I fell asleep leaning on Draco.

"I love you, Bree." I heard him say but before I could reply i fell asleep.
I woke up two hour later at kings cross station. " I love you Draco." I whispered I  his ear. I could practically hear his smile.

I watched Blaise say goodbye to Ginny as she would be going to the burrow.

We met Mr Malfoy and he aparated all three of us to Malfoy Manor. I grabbed Blaise's hand and walked to the door. Ready to see my father.
Author Note

The song at the top is my favorite song 'Bodak Yellow' by Cardi B

Oooh cliffhanger

Love y'alls

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