Chapter Four

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September 1st

Draco POV

I woke up this morning happy that I could see Hermione again. I rushed to take a shower and get ready. Afterwards I ran downstairs to find mother waiting for me at the table. I sat down next to her and grabbed a green Apple. I loved apples. I was in a good mood so I was wearing a great big smile.

"Hello Mother. How are you this fine morning?" I asked cheerfully.

"Wow. Someones in a good mood. Hmm. Oh! I know that look!" Mother said matter-of-factly.

"Mother, I'm just in a good mood." I replied before she could say more.

"But Draco, you're in love!" She said quickly. And I immediately thought of Hermione. "Sweet Salazar! Draco you love that Granger girl!"

"Mother! I said not to read my mind or get into my head!" I said quickly now a little angry with her.

"Oh it's wonderful Draco!" She said ignoring me completely

"But mum shes a muggleborn. Are you ok with that?" As I was now curious to as why she was excited and happy for me.

"Draco we never cared about that, and I need to tell you something." I nodded at her to continue "Well Draco after what your aunt Bella did to Hermione we... Well I personally killed her myself. And your father used the impero curse on me and I couldnt fight it." Mother started crying. Until I started feeling like I was being tickled so I started laughing uncontrollably. But I knew it wasn't my body being tickled it was someone else's.

"Mother. Hahaha. Mum. Mum. Help. Hahaha. What's wrong with me. Haha!" I asked between laughs

"Draco there's something I need to tell you" I nodded for her to go on. "Draco, you know what a veela is right?" I nodded again " well son you're a veela."

"What!" I all but yelled.

"You heard me." Mother replied " that is what your mate Is feeling I guess they are being tickled at the moment. Anyway you have until your birthday to Mark and mate with your mate." She said cooly like everything was ok.

"So i have to find, mark, and mate, with a girl that I probably don't even know?" I asked confused but also hoping it was Hermione 😊 


"Lets just go to the train, ok." I said trying to get out of the subject.

When we got to kingscross we saw the weasel tribe all except for one of the twins. Wonder where he is? I also saw Potty. But then I saw an angel, my Hermione. My heart fluttered at the sight of her.

"Mother I know who my mate is." I said excitedly.

"Really who?" Mother asked looking around.

"Mother it's Granger!" I was so bloody happy.

I saw Hermione get caught in a huge hug and felt myself being squished. Then Weaselette left and Hermione gave a hug to Weasel and I growled immediently. Then Hermione whispered something to him and his face went white. She then slapped him across the face. I felt proud of her. Then Weasel grabbed her wrist and took her in a room I turned to follow but mother stopped me.

"Draco listen if she doesn't accept you. Or if you don't Mark and mate with her before you're birthday you die."

"Yes mother."

I followed after Hermione and Weasel to a room and stood outside waiting and trying tk feel it if he hurt her. I could just barely hear yelling through a bad silencing charm. Then I felt like I had been slapped and my ribs hurt so bad. I knew I had to help. I ran in a stupifyed him. I grabbed Hermione off the ground and carried her to the train and found Mrs. Pomfrey. We conjured up a bed for her and i held her hand for a while and fell asleep doing it.

Authors Note:

Hope this is all right it's soo cute he fell asleep holding her hand awww
Hope you like the story ❤❤

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