Chapter Eighteen

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Ginny POV

Yay I just heard that there was a Christmas ball right before break. I'm so making Bree go!

Bree POV

Dammit! Ginny just came to me and said that there was a Christmas ball before break. I hope Draco asks me tho.

In the great hall

I was just about to sit down when I heard someone yelling at me

"Oi! Woman! Wanna go to the ball with me?!" I heard Draco yell at ne from his table.

Just to mess with him I yelled "Only if you buy me a dress!"

"Deal!" He yelled back.

*at hogsmead*

Yay! I am going to the dress store with Draco to buy my dress I am actually really happy. Never thought I would be with Draco Malfoy Madly in a dress shop, shopping for a dress to go to a ball, with him. Wow. My life has really changed.

Draco POV

I just handed Bree a nice lacy, tight fit black dress that showed off her curves. It also made her look like Bellatrix. So it was a bit weird. When she stepped out I was dumbfounded.

Bree POV

Omg Draco just handed me this really pretty black dress amd I love it sooo much, it makes me look like my mum.

I stepped out of the dressing room and Draco looked at me, and checked me out a few times, his mouth was wide open.

"Close your mouth, you might catch flies." I said jokingly

"B-but your so pretty." He said idiotically.

"I look like my mum." I replied

"Actually you really do." He agreed

"Hey Malfoy, wanna buy me a pair of shoes, too." I said excitedly

"Yea sure whatever." He replied

"Yay." I silently cheered

He ended up buying me and really nice pair of black pumps and a pair of black flats. We walked back to Hogwarts when we finished. Holding hands.

"Did you have a nice time, Miss. Riddle?" He joked

"Of course I did, Mr. Malfoy." I replied playing along

"See you at the ball, Miss. Riddle." He said once we got to our dorms.

"I'll see you there Malfoy." I said waking to my room.

I got into my bed and prepared myself for bed. Once I got ready and was in my bed I found my slef thinking. Thinking of a person.a special person. The special Draco Malfoy. And then I found myself dreaming of that special person. My special person. My Draco Malfoy.

Author Note:

I am so sorry for the late update. I am just so busy studying for tests and I barely have any time to write. Sry again. I love you all.

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