Chapter Fourteen

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Breeanna POV

Yay! I'm going to the manor to meet my parents. I am kind of scared but I took a test and I am Tom and Bellatrix's daugter. But how will I explain this to my friends.

Boom! I have an Idea!!!!!

A few hours later in the common room.

I walked into the common room and grabbed the letter off the coffee table and faked a scream.

Draco POV

I was with Blaise and Ginny in my room talking to them about a surprise I have for Blair (Draco Ginny and Blaise still think of her as Blair.) When I heard her scream and I ran to her she wasn't speaking but had a letter in her hand I picked it up and started to cry as I read it. Omg I feel so bad for 'Breeanna' I handed the letter to Blaise and Ginny. And they started to pale and cry.

Breeanna POV

Yay my plan is working. I start to cry and cry, fake of course. And Draco grabs me and we cuddle for a while I mean Im ok with it he thinks I'm sad and all and he's comforting me, while I get to cuddle him.

"Do you want me to call you Hermione or Mia or Mya or Breeanna or Bree or B?" He asked me.

"B is good." I say acting sad

" Hey B. I have two questions if you don't mind my asking." He said.

"Ask away." I reply

"Do you still want to come to my Manor?" He asks me

"Yea sure I might as well meet my father and mother." I say back making up an excuse

"Ok and if Bellatrix knew you weren't a mudblood then why did she carve the word into your arm?" Omg I don't know the  answer to that question the only thing I know is I am really mad at Dumbledork.

"I don't know, Draco. The only thing I know is that I am really mad at Dumbledork. He took me from my father!" I say angered

"Yea he did" he says back

"You know what. I'll be back." I say "I want to go yell at the headmaster, a bit"

"No stay with me" Draco whined

" Ugh fine." I stay and we talk about almost everything and anything with Ginny and Blaise.

Ginny POV

Omg my best friend is the daughter of the worst man on the planet I can't believe it and Her mother is the same woman who tortured her in her bofriend's Manor. I feel so bad for Breeanna who I am actually going to start calling B.

Blaise POV

No no no no
I thought she was my sister dammit
Ahhhhh I want to scream
Instead of being my sister she is the daughter of the Dark Lord.

Draco POV

Ok so my girlfriend is the daughter of my old master who I now very dislike. I just want to stay with her forever.

Breeanna POV

I am cuddling with my boyfriend and I actually can't wait to go to his Manor and meet my father. I wonder how my friends feel about all of this. I really want some answers so I'm going to go visit Dumbledore in the morning. I then sat there on the couch and fell asleep with my boyfriend.

Authors Note

I hope y'all like the story
I am having so much fun writing it.
Love y'all
If there is any questions just ask

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