Chapter Sixteen

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Bliase POV

Ok so I just figured out that I have a twin sister ok. Then that we are the children of Tom and Bellatrix Riddle. I knew Bree was their daughter. But I am their son! I mean yea it could be a good thing But it also can be a very bad thing.

Everyone was in bed and I couldn't sleep so I was thinking about everything Bree told me. She said Dumbledork took us from our parents, gave me to the Zabini family, and my little sister, only by two minutes, to a family of freaking muggles. I'm going to go talk to the headmaster tomorrow. But I look just like my father when he was in school, and Bree looks just like mum. I swear we will have fun walking around tomorrow people will look at us and scream. I fell asleep thinking about my family.

Bree POV

"Noooo! Bree! Bree! Noooo!" I heard someone yelling. I think it was my brother I ran over to his room to see him in a cold sweat, face pale, tears streaming down his face. He was shaking, tossing and turning. I walked over to him and shook him awake.

"Blaise! Blaise! Blaiseus Tom Marvolo Riddle wake up!" I yelled

His whole name is Blaiseus Tom Marvolo Riddle as mine is Breeanna Bellatrix Druella Riddle. Draco and Ginny already know about our family. I told them earlier.

He jerked awake and tackled me with a hug. Mumbling how he was happy I was ok. I just hugged back and comforted him. What I didn't notice was that someone was watching me soothe him back to sleep. Once I was sure he was asleep I tucked him into bed and kissed his forehead, and quickly left the room.

As soon as I got out the door I was grabbed by my waist and held to someones chest

"Dont worry it's just me." I recognized Dracos voice and I relaxed

"Why the bloody hell would you do that?" I asked

"You're really sweet to him." He said ignoring my question

"Well yea he's my twin brother." I actually don't know why I'm so nice to him

"Babe, we haven't really talked that much since we learned about your and Bliase's heritage." He said

" I know honey, it's all just been really hard for me." I said sighing

"I know. Do you want to cuddle tonight." He asked

"When do I not want to cuddle." I said as he drug me into his room and we cuddled on the bed.

"Hey Draco. How long until your birthday?" I asked remembering he was a veela

"June 5th" he replied holding me closer to him

"Hey Draco?"


"Will you Mark me?"

"Are you sure?"




"This is weird but right there." He said pointing to my thigh I sighed and took my pants off now sitting there in my undies.

"Ok this will hurt." He said and put a silencing charm on the room

"Ready." He brought his lips down and found the perfect spot and looked up at me. I nodded. He found the spot again and bit. It didn't hurt that bad until I wanted to scream. I did. I screamed. It hurt so bad. I didn't even know how but I was in Draco's arms sobbing into his chest when it was over. I looked at my thing and saw that the scars were his initials I smiled. I looked up at him. He looked like he was asleep so I wanted to see how it would feel to tell him I loved him.

"I love you Draco." I whispered

"I love you too B." He whispered back I kissed him. Then it got heated and... well... more clothes came off....

The good thing is that we know that Draco isn't going to die anytime soon.

The next morning

I woke up under the covers with a sleeping Draco next to me. I got up and found my clothes and got dressed real quick. Then I kissed his forhead. And muttered

"I love you Draco, at least we know you won't die." I chuckled.

Authors Note:

So Draco and Bree are having a nice relationship. It good right. So I know exactly how this story it's going to go. Only a few more surprise.  Hope y'all like the story
Love y'alls

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