Chapter Three

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September 1st

Hermione POV

"Mmmmmm" I mumbled as a i heard someone trying to wake me up.

"Wake up Mione!" Ginny all but screeched at me "We are going to miss the train!"

Now that got me up I jumped of the bed and with sudden speed I ran to the bathroom, I took a super quick shower and got ready in a few minutes. All the while Ginny was on my bed staring at me getting ready so fast. I thought that's how I want a man to loil at me 24/7. Ironically, my first thought after that was, Draco. I was to deep in thought that I tripped over my own feet and face planted. I just lay there on the floor shocked while Ginny was laughing her arse off.

"Shut up, Ginny, we gotta get going!" I yelled at her getting annoyed that she was laughing at me.

"Ok. Ok. I stopped!" She yelled as I hit her with my shoe as she was still laughing.

Now I was laughing.

"What the bloody-!" Ron and Harry froze as they saw us. And looked at us still laughing as we hadn't seen them. Then Harry attacked Ginny tickling her to death as Ron attacked me. Then we were scared of course so narural defense we kicked them in a certain place. And they doubled over in pain. And Ginny and I laughed and apologised.

"Hey, guys. We are so sorry! But you shouldn't have scared us!" I scolded

"Come on mum wanted me to come get you guys we're running late. We need to get a good compartment." Harry said trying to hurry things up "Ron and I got to go back to work soon."

"Yea just a sec we'll be down in a minute." I replied

Then we hurried up and got downstairs. We all aparated to the kings cross. Ginny ran through the wall first then I did. Harry, Ron, Molly, Arthur, and George came after us. Ginny and I got engulfed in a group hug. Then Ginny got on the train. I got a bone crushing hug from Ron. I leaned up to his ear and whispered "I know you've been cheating on me with Lavender. You have been ever since you knew she was alive. Don't try to explain yourself, we are over, done, no more, got it?" I stepped back and slapped him on the cheek with all the force I could muster, which was quite a lot.

He dragged me into a room and cast a silencing charm "Dammit, woman. You fucking bitch!" He slapped me and I fell and he started kickingmy ribs. I swear I heard a few cracks. I screamed and luckily someone heard me but I blacked out as soon as they stupifyed him.

Authors Note:
Oooooh cliffhanger...
I think I know what's going to happen next...
Sorry for my french
Enjoy the story❤

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