#13 Taste for Adventure

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It had been a week since my outburst at the meeting. I felt shame filling my head. But they didn't see how it was the solution to our problems! I was on the rooftops gazing at the Alleys where I heard a squeal.

"Nutmeg! Over here!" I turned to the right to only see Coca my house cat friend. Purring, I run over, balancing on the rail and came over to the balcony. Coca let me in and I settled myself on the carpet. "I was wondering the next time I'll see you!" She nuzzled my shoulder. I let a soft purr. "It is always nice to know I have a perfect getaway for my troubles." Coca looked at me with interest. "Did you find Frost yet?" I shook my head in dismay. "Frost is toying with us, I can even hear him mocking with laughter. It turns out more cats are joining his gang or army." Her amber eyes widened. "How do you know who to trust anymore?"

"Oh it's simple really, anyone who joins gets three scars on their right cheek. The same one as Frost."

Coca nodding with understanding. "How did the meeting go?" I snorted.
"It went horribly. Everyone can't see that living in the alleys in winter isn't the best. Less and less food is available, which means we won't have enough strength to fight off an attack from Frost. " I explained.
We sat in silence, the idea of fighting Frost with an army of cats frightened me.
But, is it still considered running away?
" Diana?"
"Do you think I'm cowardly?" I asked.
Diana followed. "Where did you ever got that idea? Nutmeg you are the bravest I know."
"It just that everyone thinks I want to run away when I am just trying to help."
"Well, they just don't see you eye to eye that's all. Say what is your idea?"
I explained to her how us Alley Cats must find a new home other than the alleys to have a more comfortable life.

Diana's ears twitched.
" That sounds awful a lot like the farmlands."
"The farmlands?" I echo her, intrigued.
"The farmlands are a long stretch of land where you won't see a skyscraper for miles! There is a lot of grass, bigger animals like cows and horses and pigs. A human called a farmer takes care of the land and its animals. My mother was from there but she never did like it."

"It sounds like it has a lot of space. What about food?"
Diana laughed.
"It is overflowing with food. Mice, squirrels you name it."
"How far is it from here?" I asked.
Diana blinked. "You want to go there?"
I thought for a moment.
If it has a lot of space and more importantly food, we could move and live there.

"Yes. I want to see it for myself." I decided.
Diana gave me a sad smile.
" It won't be easy. You'll have to leave the city and go through the suburbs.
A bunch of houses in order to go to the rural outskirts which are the farmlands. It will take months even to go and come back...that is if you are even coming back."
I blinked in surprise. "Diana you think I won't come back? You think I am trying to run off?" I felt anger rising and boiling beneath my ginger pelt. Diana shook her head. "Of course you are! I am just talking about wolves and wild animals that might harm you." Relief flushed all the anger from my system into a sigh.
"Of course I'll be careful. Thanks, Diana, you're probably the only one who really trusts me."
Diana cracked a smile on her face.
"Of course. What are friends are for?"

I returned home only to be knocked down on my face.
I twisted around to see my baby brother Scout on my back sitting proudly.
"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked, scrambling to my feet without throwing the dark brown kitten off.
"Can you play with me?"
I groaned. Allowing him to climb off.
"Scout you do know I can't play with you every second of the day. "
"Pretty please?"
"Scout I said no. And when I say no I mean it."
I let out an expressed, frustrated sigh. "Because I am busy trying to save our cats from hunger and try to find out what Frost is up to so that when he attacks I don't end up losing another brother!" I snapped.
Scout flinched and stared at his paws.
"Do you understand now Scout?"
He shook his head.
"Good." I walked past him so I could go to another meeting. When I felt a tug on my tail, I flicked it with annoyance but stopped.
"What now Scout?"
"What did Frost Patches?" Sighing I turned to him.
" He brained washed him and tricked him. " I said. Not mentioning what really did happen.
He's too young to know the truth of his big brother's actions and his part in his father's death.
" Then chased him out right?"
I nodded.
"Yes, but listen to Scout I don't want you to get any ideas in confronting Frost. I understand you might be frustrated with him and might want to punish him for what he did to Patches and dad, but I am not ready to lose any more family members. Understood?"
Scout eagerly nodded." Okay, then he scampered off to hang out with Raven and Stripes.
I sighed in relief.
It would be my nightmare if he decided to go off.

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