Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 - Zayn

I didn't know what to make of Christine's cold front earlier, and I sure as hell don't know what to make of her wrapping her arms around me and squeezing me this tight. I do the only thing I can think of and hug her back.

The comforting embrace should feel familiar, but it's been so long that it just feels foreign. I welcome it anyway. I didn't know it until now, but I really needed a hug. Christine lets go of me and looks at me with curious eyes.

"Welcome back," she says and continues to walk down the street.

"I was starting to wonder if the girl I knew was completely gone," I begin and instantly regret it. I can see the cold façade take over Christine again. "But I'm glad she's not because I don't know what I would do."

Her eyes lighten and I know I was right to be nervous about tonight. I had no idea my words and actions affected her so much and so quickly. She reacts to me immediately and if I say something stupid I could really lose her forever. I'm determined to fix things with Christine. I want to be able to call her while I'm on tour just to talk. I want to be there for her when she needs advice. As glad as I am that she and my sister have become close friends, Liya is years younger than her and not exactly what I would call mature or experienced.

I push the café door open for her as we're welcomed with the strong aroma of coffee. I haven't had coffee since I arrived in Bradford, my mum being a faithful Yorkshire tea enthusiast and all, and I missed it severely.

"What would you like? My treat," I say smiling at her. She seems at ease, or at least as at ease as I've seen her in the last few days. It feels like every time I see her she's nervous or pissed off.

"Oh, you don't have to, Zayn," she begins before I cut her off.

"Christine, I want to," I insist. She seems to argue in her head before telling me to order her a small black tea. The Crissy I knew would have ordered a large coffee and two pastries to fully take advantage of me paying. I take her cautious treading as an indication that we're still not where we used to be. Then again, how can I expect her to trust me after I up and left all those years ago? I promised to be her friend forever only to turn around take back my promise when it wasn't convenient for me.

"Why don't you go grab us a table and I'll wait in the queue?" I suggest gesturing at a small booth in the corner of the Starbucks. She nods and walks away.

I'm determined for things to go back to how they used to be with Christine, and in order to do that I have to show her that I'm still the same guy. Although I spell my name like "Zayn" now, it doesn't mean I'm some strange celebrity alter ego. And I know that even if she has rechristened herself as Christine, Crissy is still in there somewhere. I know she likes to dance to McFly in her pajamas, I know that when says two sugars she actually means three, and I know that she loves chocolate chip cookies.

I order myself a venti Americano and get Christine a black tea and two chocolate chip cookies. I walk to the secluded booth where Christine is typing away on her phone.

"So," I begin. I know we made plans to catch up, but what exactly am I supposed to ask? "What happened in the last four years?" would be a great place to start, but I know it's daft of me to think she'll give away information without me prying it out of her.

"Yeah," she looks around nervously. She scratches the back of her head, a habit she's had since we were little kids.

"I like the, um, green," I say pointing at her hair. Real smooth, Zayn.

"Do you really?" she says looking into my eyes as if my statement was more than a simple compliment. Her eyes are hopeful and I know she's really asking and it's not just a hypothetical question. I remember Liya's words about Christine being in love with me and I feel a bead of sweat run down my back.

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