Chapter 50

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Chapter 50 – Zayn

(hey guys! please be sure to vote, we're getting very close to the end of the book now! I estimate it will have close to 70 chapters, but I'm not exactly sure yet, so please tell as many people as you can so that as many people as possible can experience the story as it's being written! xx -F)

“I want her in bedrest for at least a week. She can get up and walk around for an hour a day or so, but that's it. She needs to lay down with her legs elevated for the most part,” Doctor Spalding, the female doctor that informed us about Perrie's condition earlier, says as she looks through papers full of charts and small type.

“But doctor, I'm getting married in less than two weeks. I have to go home to London and get all of the preparations for the wedding ready,” Perrie says. We're both sitting next to each other across from Doctor Spalding's desk. Perrie's severe case of spotting has subsided and the medication the doctor prescribedher should keep it at bay, but the bedrest is a necessary precaution she needs to take to ensure the baby's wellbeing.

“Miss Edwards, I know that a celebrity wedding is a big deal and I know that there are probably a million things to do at the moment, but take a moment to consider the life living inside of you,” the doctor says giving Perrie a slightly condescending look. It's evident in the doctor's humble office that she isn't too fond of material posessions or symbols of status and power. She doesn't understand the mindset of someone like Perrie. She's been dreaming of her perfect wedding since before she knew what marriage was. This wedding is costing us a small fortune, but I'm willing to spend anything to have the smile on her face be as wide as it can be as she's walking down the aisle.

That being said, the baby's health does help put all of this into perspective. As important as the wedding is to the both of us, our baby's health is the main concern.

“I'll make sure she stays off her feet, doc,” I say resolutely. I give Perrie a loving but stern side-glance, but she just looks at me like I'm crazy.

“Babe, you do realize we have to be back in London by Monday at the very latest, right? I need to have my final fitting and have the girls pick up their-” Perrie says talking a mile a minute.

“We can figure all this out later. Right now the only thing that matters is our baby's health, right?” I ask, giving her a question she can't respond negatively to. She sighs in defeat.

“Right,” she says putting a hand on her belly. It strikes me that this is the first time she's ever done this in that way that mother's do, as if not feeling their body beneath their hands, but feeling their baby. As if there were no barrier between that baby and it's mother's hands. It's as if she was already holding it.

“If the spotting resumes, which it shouldn't, please don't hesitate to give me a call. I'll send your paperwork to your designated healthcare physician in London,” the doctor says smoothig out her white lab coat as she stands up. She gives us both a polite nod and opens the door behind us. I take Perrie's hand and help her stand up.

“Thank you, doctor. I really appreciate everything you've done for us today,” I say shaking her hand on my way out.

“Is everythin' going to be alright?” my asks as she runs toward us the moment we step out of Doctor Spalding's office.

“Yes, mum. Perrie just needs a lot of bedrest,” I say, aiming the last part directly at Perrie. She rolls her eyes at me.

“Oh, thank Allah,” she says giving Perrie a tight hug. “There are photographers outside so I'll run outside and bring the car around the entrance and you can both hop in.”

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