Chapter 59

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(Brief announcement: I know I said the finale of this book would be coming soon, but I didn't know how soon yet. Well, I can now confirm that there will be a total of 62 chapters, which means that We're only three chapters away from the grand finale! I expect to post the very last chpater on the 28th of December, so I won't disturb your holidays with the family. The remaining chapters will be posted every few days from here until then. Please comment and vote guys, I can't stress enough how much I appreciate all your comments and the support you have given me, please keep sharing this story with your friends! Okay, thats enough, get to reading! xx -F)

Chapter 59 - Christine

"This is the last place I want to be right now," I groan to Liya as she pulls me through a red curtain that separates the foyer from the staff's quarters. We're at The Hotel Ruby a new, hip, yet lavish hotel in north London. In just over 24 hours this hotel will play host to Zayn and Perrie's wedding, unless I can put a stop to it.

After my talk with Zayn yesterday at the restaurant I had lost all hope that this wedding could be halted. I had even come to terms with the fact that it would be happening, I would have to watch the man I love marry a woman I'm not even sure he loves anymore and there is nothing I could do about it. That is until I finally stumbled across something that proves to me without a doubt that Perrie is not only a liar, but a pathological liar.

According to the hospital's autopsy done on the fetus of Perrie's baby, the poor baby boy was only ten weeks before he passed. This directly contradicts what Zayn told me when Perrie turned out to be pregnant: that they had seen each other over three months prior to their reunion. If that was the case, then there is no way Perrie's baby was Zayn's. Perrie had been screwing around with some other guy and ended up getting pregnant, but she told Zayn it was his thinking he would never find out. When the dots all connected in my head I had to fight not to retch in Harry's hospital room. I always knew Perrie was a sick person, but this lie has taken her up into a class of her own.

After I had had enough time to process the information last night, I tried to find Zayn and talk to him, but Perrie's door was shut and there was a security officer standing by it. I tried calling him on his cellphone, but he sent me to voicemail right away every time. I don't blame him; after all, I did throw spaghetti on top of his head and tell him he was blind before storming off. I can't help but regret the spaghetti incident because it probably detracted from the validity of my argument, but I can't take that back now.

"It'll be good for you, Crissy. Plus, that dress looks fantastic on you. If this doesn't make Zayn want to dump Perrie for good, I don't know what will," Liya whispers as a couple of staff members rumble in the corner bringing tables out of a closet. I look down at the dress that Liya bought for me to wear to the wedding rehearsal, it must have cost her a fortune. It's a strapless black number that makes my boobs look a lot bigger than they really are, but manages to make me look classy by tapering off at the knee. The layers of lace overlapping the silky surface of the dress make me look like I could be going to a funeral quickly following the rehearsal dinner, which is in a way appropriate. Liya wanted me to go with her to pick out a dress, but I was not in the mood after having been hit with such a vital piece of information.

I thought about telling Liya what I had found in the hospital and having her help me convince Zayn to see reason, but information as sensitive as this shouldn't be shared liberally, even with family. I know that finding out that baby, that baby boy, wasn't his would absolutely crush Zayn. I reckon that since the baby has passed away, maybe Zayn will choose not to tell everyone; after all, it doesn't really concern them. It's such a sensitive subject and I have to handle this very delicately, which isn't my strong suit.

"I may have an idea of what might," I whisper under my breath. Liya catches my words in the air and looks at me with wild eyes. Her beautiful hazel eyes are accentuated by her lime-green sequined dress. It's the perfect amount of sexy while still making her look like a teenager.

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