Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 – Christine

 (double update just cuz! plz comment and vote i need your thoughts on this one really bad!!)


That was my reaction when I opened the square container about the size of half a shoebox. Inside there were pills of all colors in different pouches: some where white and circular, others were purple bi-colored capsules, and some had letters stamped onto them. Some of them look familiar; they’re common rave drugs that I’m pretty sure I’ve swallowed at one point or another without giving it a second thought. I didn’t know what they were, but after I felt what they did to me I’m pretty sure they’re illegal.

“What’d you expect? Teddy bears?” Poppy laughs taking a drag on her half-smoked cigarette.

I was prepared to do anything to keep Zayn in Bradford if only for a week longer, but becoming a drug mule certainly wasn’t what I had in mind. Poppy became a psychopath 3.5 seconds and there was almost no trace of the old Poppy left, that is except for her larger-than-life ego.

“Poppy, I could go to prison if I’m caught with this, are you completely mad?” I ask as I set the box carefully down on my bed. I have my hands in my hair at this point thinking about just I got myself into and if it’s really worth it. Of course it’s worth it.

“Yes, I am completely mad, mad at you! You little boyfriend-stealing whore,” she says pointing her cigarette at me and for a second I worry she might use my face as an ashtray.

Suddenly I remember the reason why Poppy turned cold. It was that crazy night at the rave when I tried to hook up with her ex-boyfriend, whom I didn’t know was her ex-boyfriend. The part she doesn’t know is that I tried to stop before anything major happened but then he tried to force himself onto me. He tried to rape me! And while I wasn’t strong enough to face this fact then, now that I am I’ve lost all credibility in Poppy’s eyes.

A glimmer of hope that a small piece of the old Poppy is in there somewhere burns in my chest. Maybe I can tell her how it really happened and she’ll feel sorry about all of this and maybe everything will work out…

Although I don’t believe that will happen for a second, I can’t help but try. Anything is better than risking going to prison.

“Poppy, sit down,” I say gesturing to my bed.

“Don’t tell me what to do,” she says flicking her cigarette out the window. I try my best not to look as pissed off as I am because I need her to listen to me right now.

“Please,” I beg.

She huffs and plops down on my bed. I take a seat next to her and say a silent prayer that this works out.

“When we were at the rave, your ex came onto me, and I was so upset about Zayn that, I’ll admit, I was gonna sleep with him just to distract myself. To numb the pain…” I begin. I can already see the anger in Poppy’s eyes and a hurtful argument brewing behind her lips. I have to get to the good stuff soon or she’s gonna punch me and walk away.

“But I didn’t, Poppy. I didn’t sleep with him I promise you. I swear I didn’t,” I confess putting my hand on my heart.

“Alright so what really happened?” she asks feigning interest as if she’s only doing it to humour me. But I can see the curiosity in her eyes.

I take a deep breath and tell her something I never planned on telling anyone. “We were in his car and things were getting heavy. All of a sudden I just realized that what I was doing was just going to make me feel worse in the morning and I needed to get out of the car that second. But he wouldn’t let me. He kept groping me and forcing me down and…touching me. He wasn’t letting go, Poppy, so I kicked him in the balls and ran off as fast as I could. He caught up with me, though, and he tried to take me up against the car,” I say with my heart in my throat. My pulse has quickened from the nerves of telling someone about that awful night. Flashes of the memories run through my mind and I wish I didn’t ever have to think about it again.

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