Chapter 40

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(sorry in advance for typos, just had to get this up for you guys bc ive been so crapp in updating !! Enjoy, COMMENT AND VOTE PLEASE!!)

Chapter 40 – Zayn

“You’re what?” I mumble after what seems like a minute of silence. I’m aware that I haven’t blinked in a long time because my eyes are burning, but I can’t bring my eyelids to come down from their shocked position.

“I’m pregnant, Zayn,” she says again wiping a tear from her cheek. I’m still kneeling in front of her as she sits on my bed, just trying to take in the words Perrie just told me. A warm heat starts building in my chest and spreading through my body as I finally realize what this means.

“I’m going to be a dad?” I ask her as an uncontrollable smile appears on my face.

“Yes, my love,” she says smiling through her tears.

I get up on my feet and start to pace across the room in ecstasy. I’m going to be a dad! I never imagined I would have a kid this young, but I’m not upset or worried one bit. I always saw myself getting married and having kids, forming a family just like the one I had. I always told Perrie that I wanted three or four children; it’s one of those things I had thought a lot about. Of course, we had agreed to put off starting a family until our schedules were less busy, but sometimes things happen for a reason.

“This is brilliant! This is bloody fantastic!” I shout at no one in particular. I want to hug Perrie and I want to put my hand on her tummy, but when I look at her she is still crying.

“Love, why are you crying? This is great news! It’s what we wanted, remember?” I say sitting next to her on my bed. I’m glowing with happiness and I want her to be as happy as I am right now. No matter what it is she is worried about, I’ll comfort her and make her feel safe and loved. That’s my job, I’m her soon-to-be husband.

“I just don’t want to raise this baby alone, Zayn,” she says looking at the floor.

“What are you talking about? Why would you ever think that I wouldn’t be there for you?” I ask her confused. I grab her hand a squeeze and kiss it over and over, making up for all the lost time between us.

“How do you feel about Christine?” she asks me looking straight into my eyes with her piercing blue eyes. They look even more stunning now that her blonde hair is a dirtier shade of brown.

How do I feel about Christine? That’s a question I should probably have asked myself at one point. I love Christine, obviously, but not like I love Perrie. Christine is like family: I wanted to make sure she was okay and make sure she was happy and maybe I went about doing that the wrong way. I can’t deny that I felt something between us, though. It was unexpected, and maybe that’s what made it so strong. Excitement, curiosity, but not romantic love.

“She’s like family, Perrie. I was depressed because I thought things between you and I were over. I thought you didn’t love me anymore. It was stupid of me and I wish it never would have happened, but it did. But now all I care about is strengthening our relationship and preparing for this baby. And making you my wife,” I tell her honestly. I inch closer to her when I say the word wife and kiss her softly on the lips. When I pull back I see that the look on her blue eyes is not as worried as it was before. The ocean behind her eyelids is calm again.

“I just can’t lose you, Zayn. I love you more than anything in the world and I know I’ve made mistakes and will continue to make them, but you’re the only reason I get back up after I fall. You’re my north star, you’re my compass. I need you,” she confesses. Every word she says makes me love her more than I did before. I can’t believe I could have ever strayed from Perrie. My heart belongs to her.

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