Chapter 45

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(Thanks so much for all your votes guys I really appreciate it! The faster you get the last chapter to 30 votes the faster I update! I know a lot of u guys read and dont have an account, I would appreciate it so much if you could make an account and just vote! You wouldnt even have to use it (even tho its really fun to lol) but your votes really do help me out getting this story seen across the web and to more readers. This chapter I will be introducing a new character, Christine's mother, Crystal, who in my mind I pictured as being Jessica Lange from American Horror Story. Please comment, I really need to hear your voices on this one!!! Big things happening!! xx -F)

Chapter 45 – Christine

I stay in Harry’s arms for as long as he’ll let me. Something about the way he holds me makes me feel so at ease, but every few minutes I’ll remember what it feels like to be in Zayn’s arms and I cringe unwillingly.

Harry pulls away and puts both hands around my face tenderly, bringing my head up to meet his warm green eyes. “I know how you feel. I really do. It’s going to be alright, I promise,” he says with so much conviction and warmth that I believe him without questioning it. It’s as if the silver lining I had pictured earlier had come back. Somehow there was a light at the end of the tunnel again, except this time it came from Harry and not Zayn.

It doesn’t feel right that Harry is my providing me a light at the end of the tunnel. I feel as if the only person who should be able to do that is Zayn, but by the way my heart is beating right now I can tell Harry is having a strong effect on me. But I don’t want him to. I want my mind, body, and soul to belong to Zayn. I want to feel the abandon of unrequited love coursing through my veins, and I want Zayn to feel what I’m feeling. I want a flurry of emotions, but when I’m with Harry I feel so…soothed.

“Is it alright for you yet?” I ask him. He speaks as if he had recently gone through a heartbreaking romance, but he hasn’t divulged at all about it, even though I’ve told him everything about mine.

His eyes grow clouded immediately and he lets go of me. Instantly every feeling from the last few hours comes back and hits me like a truck. It knocks the breath right out of my lungs and I double over in pain. It’s as if Harry was somehow absorbing it all. As if he was feeling my pain for me so that I wouldn’t have to.

“I’m sorry,” I say reaching out for his hand. He lets me take it, and slowly I feel the waves of pain ebb and flow out of my body.  “You don’t have to talk about it until you feel ready,” I tell him, even though I’m dying to know what it is that has Harry so torn up.

“Don’t expect it any time soon, love,” he says brushing the hair off my face and placing it behind my ear. Without thinking, I turn my face into his hand and feel his warm caress across my cheek. His warm palm radiates heat all the way to my belly and I just have to kiss him.

I lean over about halfway and Harry meets me in the middle, seemingly on the same train of thought as I. Our lips meet in an abrupt collision that makes my heart skip a beat even though I already knew it was coming. The way we kiss is so tragic it’s almost beautiful; equal part of one another pretending we’re kissing the person we love, and the other part performing the kiss with such abandon so as to forget our beloved.

He starts to kiss my neck and my body goes numb all but wherever his lips meet my skin. All of my senses cease to function as Harry caresses my neck with his silky lips.

“Let’s go upstairs,” I whisper into his hair after a few minutes. I can’t take this any longer. I long for the release of skin on mine.

“Are you sure?” he says looking me in the eyes. Concern flashes over his pupils as we both remember what happened last time.

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