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Hey guys, these author's notes are probably gonna run a little long but I really need to get this out there so here goes!

First off, I'd like to thank all of you who "cracked open" this book and went along for the ride with me. It's been such an amazing run and "Storms" turned into something I never could have dreamt. When I first began writing this fanfic in May (!!) it was just for fun, I was imagining 20 chapters at most. I was writing as I went, not thinking too much of it. I had just moved out and didn't have wifi at my new apartment, so it was a nice way to keep busy.

Somewhere along the line, though, "Storms" took on a life of its own. I started getting ideas for much more complec and involved plots, more characters, and more serious themes. This would explain why the beginning of the book was so different from the rest of the book. Rest assured that when I revise this, I will make the whole book more cohesive as a body of work!

Thanks for putting up with my awful typos, often unrevised chapters, and at times sporadic updates. It really means the world to me that you stayed all the way with me. To all of you that have reached out on twitter or via Wattpad inbox, I probably messaged you back, but if I didn't please rest assured I am NOT ignoring you. I appreciate all of your kind messages more than you will ever know.

That being said, I know there are some issues with the novel as a whole, and I intend to fix those to the best of my ability during the rewriting process, which is where I need YOU! I would really appreciate it if everyone could send me a message to my inbox telling me your overall thoughts on the book, positive as well as negative, because I want to make sure that this book is the best it can be. My hope is to one day be able to get this published. I know I'm no Anna Todd, but I can try, right? xD

Also, I'm sure you guys have noticed there's a lot of music involved in "Storms," hopefully you guys got to listen to the songs because they really are a huge part of the experience. I'm a huge fan of film and I wrote this book with a lot of mental images in mind and all the songs that Christine "wrote" are like the soundtrack. I have compiled most of these songs into a Spotify playlist which I will link here, and also put on the first chapter for any new readers. Hopefully you can listen to them and they can inspire you like they did me.

Storms {z.m.} Soundtrack

I will be focusing on revising "Storms" for the next couple of months, but I am going to be writing some one shots to keep all of you entertained and keep my creative juices flowing. The collection is called "You're The One" (see what I did there?) and it will include all of the boys. Please add it to your library so you can get a notification when I post the first part!

Before this Acknowledgments section turns into a whole chapter, I'm just gonna summarize. Big love to all of you for reading and giving a guy who loves Zayn and writing more than anything in the world the opportunity to make you laugh, cry, and breathe. Please follow me on here, or on twitter or instagram (@musicanchors) to hear about any future projects. You haven't seen the last of me.


-Fitz Sandoval

P.S. Epilogue will be up tomorrow :)

P.P.S. out of curiosity, comment what chapter I was on when you started reading "Storms"!

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