Chapter 41

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(Please go to chapter one and watch the official storms trailer, I fixed it so it can finally be viewed on mobile phones! Please share the video ilysm xx)

Chapter 41 - Christine

I don't even know what time it is when I finally open my eyes. My curtains are always open and the sun usually wakes me up if my alarm doesn't, but I remember last night I shut them so I wouldn't have to see...

Or did I shut them so he wouldn't have to see...

Oh my god, Harry.

I look next to me on the bed and he isn't there. Where could he have gone? For the love of all that is holy I hope he was smart enough to leave inconspicuously because I wouldn't want Zayn to know he spent the night.

Oh my god, Zayn.

I can't believe everything that happened last night really happened. It's like the stuff of all my worst nightmares thrown into one night. Not only is Zayn happy with another girl, he also probably hates me for all of the horrible things I said last night. I wish I could take it all back. I wish I could show him how I feel in a way that wouldn't have severed everything we built in the last week.

"Good morning, sunshine. Can I come in?" I hear Harry say from the other side of my bedroom door. I find it silly he even has to ask at this point, but it's also kind of cute.

"Yeah," I say sitting up in bed. I wrap my duvet over my body as he enters. It seems so surreal to me that Harry spent the night here, I almost don't believe it until I notice Harry is only wearing a pair of tight boxer briefs and my bunny slippers. His curly hair is a mess and some of it even hangs over his face which bears a goofy expression. I'm so mesmerized by how he can be this happy this early in the morning that I don't even notice he's holding a plate.

"I took the liberty of making you breakfast," he said in his low, raspy voice which tells me he can't have been awake more that an hour.

"Wow," I say in shock.

"What's that, love?" he asks me sitting next to me in bed and handing me the plate and cutlery.

"A guy has never made me breakfast before after we..." I confess trailing off. Most guys would sneak out before twilight, but Harry stuck around and made me breakfast even though I didn't even give him a reason to.

"Well after the shit night you went through the least I could do was cook you up croque-madame," he says playfully.

"Is that what this is?" I ask him poking what looks like a fancy grilled cheese with an egg on top with my fork.

"Hey! It may not look amazing, but it tastes bloody amazing," he says taking my hands with the fork and knife and cutting a piece off, picking it up with my fork, and bringing it to my mouth. It actually is bloody amazing.

"Mmm, this is fantastic. Thank you, Harry," I tell him as I look into his deep green eyes.

"Of course," he says. After that we sit there in silence as I eat. This would normally be the part where the guy leaves, but as last night and this morning have proven, Harry isn't the kind of guy who does things normally.

"Why are you here?" I ask him. After the words leave my mouth I realize it must have come off rude and when I see the offended look on Harry's face I wish I could take them back.

"I don't understand," he says crinkling his brows.

"Neither do I," I say and sigh. I put the plate to the side and turn over to face Harry on my bed. He looks more confused than offended now.

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