Pete Dunne

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You walked down the hall with a coffee in hand while talking on your Bluetooth piece, you were dealing with the hassle of letting one of your NXT people switch to 205 live for a few weeks. Not paying attention to your surroundings you of course ran into someone spilling of the coffee on them.

"Fuck." You curse the air as hit liquid spills on you and the other person.

"Shit." You hear a male voice also curse. You look up from your own wet shirt to see the UK champion standing in front of you with a drenched shirt.

"Oh god damn it." You curse again. "Now I've really done it." You groan defeated.

"Hey woah calm down, it's not that big a deal. I can change." Pete puts a hand to calm you.

"Yeah you can." You snap back as you pick up the now empty cup. "This was my only shirt." You tell him frustrated.

Throwing the cup in the garbage nearby you ponder what you're going to do about your soaked shirt, Pete looks at you and smiles.

"Come on you can borrow one of mine." He tells you.

"Oh no." You reply. "You don't have to do that." You quickly reply. Having a huge thing for the champ wasn't helping your situation.

"It's fine babe." He nods as he grabs your hand to pull you. "I've got just the shirt for you." You let him pull you along lowkey wanting to be swept away.

You arrive at the locker room and slide into the warm room, you can feel the coffee sticking to your skin in the worst way.

"Stay here for a second, you're as right?" He asks you. You nod and he disappears, when he comes back he's got two shirts in hand. He hands one to you and strips his own shirt off.

"Oh I'll turn around of you want." Late tells you as you stand with the shirt in hand.

"What?" You snap out of your own mind complete with dirty thoughts of the man in front of you. "Oh no that's fine I'm not shy." You reply finally getting what he'd said.

You pull your shirt over your head and slip the one Pete handed you over your head, once it's on you look in a mirror.

"Really?" You ask turning to him. "Of course you give me your merch to wear." You shake your head.

"Hey maybe I'll just take it back and you'll go around shirtless." He replies.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" You reply looking at him with a smile.

"Maybe." Pete replies. "But to be fair you'd like just the same." He purrs at you.

You fake a look of shock, your hand raises in defense.

"Me?" You ask. "I wish no such things." You let a giggle slip from your lips.

"Mhm." Pete rolls those gorgeous eyes. "Don't you have a show to run?" He asks referring to the ongoing NXT taping.

"Shit." You reply realizing where you'd been going before. "Thanks for the shirt Pete." In a rush to leave you kiss his cheek and dash out the door.

You don't realize what you've done until your in your office. You curse yourself mentally and sit lean on the desk.

"You wanted to see, hey." Mark smirks. "Getting busy with the champion are we y/n?" He all of a sudden asks.

You glance down at Pete's shirt on your body and almost choke.

"I spilled coffee on my shirt, he gave me one to wear." You inform the blonde.

"Mhm." Mark muses.

"Watch yourself mark." You warm him. "I'll ship you off to 205." Mark laughs and waves you off.

"Yeah sure, just try to keep your tongue out of dunnes mouth mkay?" Mark tells you.

Alone again you get to work, at the end of the night you realize you still have Petes shirt and decide to return it. Now in a new shirt you walk to his hotel room and knock.

"Y/n." Pete smiles as he opens the door. "Whats up babe?" You raise your hand up.

"Your shirt?" You hand it to him.

"Oh you can keep it, looks way better on you." He tells you as he pushes your hand back. "Oh and one more thing." He stops you from leaving by having a hold on your wrist.

Before you can ask what he wants you're pulled into a kiss his grip tight on your wrist. The shirt almost drops from your hand as your pulled into his room and the door shuts with a loud thud.

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