Finn Balor

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"No we absolutely will not be doing that." You cut into Corbins conversation with Bobby and Lio.

"Y/N." Corbin rolls his eyes sourly as he looks down at you now standing next to him. "I thought you were taking the rest of the night off?" He questions you with an annoyed looked.

"I decided to stay for the rest of the night, and from what i just heard looks like it was a good idea." You reply as you stare at Bobby and Lio in front of you. "Now both of you get out of here, me and Corbin need to talk. Co Gm to Co Gm." Bobby and Lio nod and leave.

As they go you shut the office door behind you and turn to Corbin, you find that he's taken a seat in one of the two desk chairs that are in the room. You stare at him with a stone face and set your hands down on his oak desk.

"I leave for ten minutes and you go and decide to go on a little power trip." You scold him. "Ten minutes Corbin." Your voice raised as Corbin rolls his eyes at you.

"Not my fault we have different ideas on how to run this company." He mumbles.

"What was that?" You reply sharply. "If you've got something to say Corbin, i suggest you say it to my face." You warn him.

Corbin stares you down and goes to reply when the door swings open, you swivel around on your heel ready to yell at whoever it is when you see Finn Balor looking at the two of you.

"Ah Finn." Your mood changes and a small grin cracks in the corner of your lips. "What can I do for you?" You ask him.

Corbin scoffs behind you prompting you to give Finn a smile and a finger signaling to give you a moment before you get to him. Finn nods and steps back outside shutting the door behind him.

"Problem Corbin?" You turn back to Corbin with gritted teeth.

"Yeah actually." Corbin nods and stands to his feet, his own hands now resting on the desk. "You call me out for picking favorites around here, yet whenever Balor comes around you're reduced to nothing more than a horny little girl." He snaps at you.

"Corbin." You stare up at him getting pissed now. "I hear another word out of your mouth about how i run this show and i'll make sure that you never work in WWE again." You stand and full height and stare Corbin in the eyes. "Now you are going to shut your mouth and stay in this office until the show is over, or so help me god." You warn him.

Corbin rolls his eyes once again and sits back down in the chair, he was already in trouble with Stephanie, that's why you were the co-gm. The last thing he needed was you telling Stephanie about his actions.

Satisfied with Corbin sitting in his chair you lose the stern look and step out into the hallway. Finn relaxes against the wall looking gorgeous as ever waiting for you.

"Sorry about that." You grin as he pushes off the wall to face you. "Now what can i do for one of Raw's best talents." You ask him.

"Sounds like you and Corbin really got into it." Finn comments as he glances at the door.

"Ah don't worry about that." You shake your head. "He's just trying his luck is all, doesn't like taking orders from a woman i guess. Of course most men don't." You chuckle a little.

"Yeah i know some types like that." Finn nods and chuckles also. "Course i've never had a problem taking orders from a woman. Authority is sexy on a girl you know." He flashes you a grin.

"Finn Balor." You reply with a smile of your own. "You aren't flirting with your boss to get ahead in the game are you?" You ask playfully.

"Flirting? Yes." Finn nods. "Just not to get ahead, i can do that just fine myself thank you." You nod and giggle a little. "But getting to why i came by the office in the first place." You watch as Finn's facial expression hardens a little.

"Yeah, what about it?" You ask now interested.

Finn weaves you a tale of him overhearing Corbin and some of his buddies from the locker room planning on doing something about you and him being Co-Gm's. You listen closely to what he has to tell you.

"So he thinks he can pull a fast one on me does he?" You shake your head.

"Fraid so lass." Finn nods his head. "Anyway i can help just let me know lass, i'd be happy to knock Corbin and his mates on thier ass's." You nod and quickly come up with a plan.

"Okay, if you wanna help you'll go gather up Elias, Bobby Roode and Chad Gable, Apollo Crews, and anyone else that's tired of Corbin and willing to help. Then meet me in the ring at the top of the hour okay." Finn nods and heads off to the locker room.

You stay behind and make a quick phone call to Stephanie, you could have just ratted Corbin out right there. But then again, there was no fun in that. Sure enough at the top of the hour you head out to the ring and find Finn leading a pack of well abled men. You even see Braun Strowman. You head into the ring and take a place next to Finn.

"Alright Corbin get out here." You call Corbin from the back with a mic. "We've some GM stuff to discuss." Corbin soon comes out with some men of his own.

"What is all this Y/N?" Corbin questions you from the top of the ramp.

"Well Corbin, i've gotten a little tired of sharing the GM position with you, as i'm sure you are as well. So i called up our good friend Stephanie, and she agreed to a little something for me. My superstars against yours in a match, winners team gets the GM job." You grin.

The crowd cheers at the idea, and you can hear Finn and the others whispering behind you. Corbin on the other hand looks pissed as hell.

"I've got my team in order Corbin." You gesture to the men behind you. "Captained by Finn Balor, so i suggest you get yours in order. Because that match will take place this Sunday, at TLC." The crowd once again starts to cheer.

"Fine then Y/N, if this is how you want to play this." Corbin nods.

In the blink of an eye Corbin and his guys come rushing down the ramp, of course Finn and your boys spring into action as well. You stand in the middle of the ring with people fighting around you and stare Corbin down.

"This is what you get for thinking you can plot behind my back Corbin." You smirk at him.

"So who snitched to you?" Corbin replies as he looks down at you.

You feel a hand on your back and look to your side, Finn stands with you also wearing a smile.

"Ah." Corbin nods. "Of course." You grin and slide closer to Finn.

"Yep. Oh and Corbin, you were right." You grin. "Turns out i do pick favorites." You grin and happily lean into a kiss with Finn, who is happy to lend a hand with that.

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