Buddy Murphy

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Wrestlemania season was in full swing, just two short weeks away, and it was safe to say your nerves were shot. The main event, and only event for the 205 brand was for the championship, a.k.a, Tony Nese vs Buddy Murphy. Problem was, Tony was your very protective and lovable older brother, and Buddy was the man that you were currently dating and head over heels for.

"There she is." Buddy smirks that damn smile as you slip into his locker room as quiet as you can.

"Hey babe." You grin back at him and shut the door softly behind you. "I missed you." You sigh contently as Murphy easily pulls you into a much needed hug, followed by a kiss on the top of the head.

"I missed you to sweetheart." He also sighs, happy to be able to relax around you.

The two of you didn't have much time together in the last few weeks, with Tony being absolutely sure that his former friend wasn't anywhere near his little sister and all.

"I can't stay long, Tony will flip if i'm late again." You sigh, still enjoying the warm embrace of your lovely man.

"Ugh, Tony." Buddy replies sourly.

"Hey." You lightly hit his stomach and look up at the much larger man you had the pleasure of calling yours. "Yes he's a pain in the ass, but he's my brother none the less. Plus you're the one that decided to attack the man." You glare up at Buddy, remembering his actions a few weeks ago.

"I know, i know." Buddy shakes his head. "Are you ever going to forgive me for that?" He looks down with curious eyes.

"Depends on nice to me you are." You reply, a small smile playing on your lips.

"Nice huh?" Murphy replies, and you swallow at the look he gives you.

In seconds your easily scooped up in his toned arms, legs wrapped around his waist with a wide smile on your face. Kisses litter your face as you erupt into a fit of giggles.

"Okay okay." You laugh uncontrollably. "Please......Mur......Buddy stop." You beg him through fits of laughter.

The assault stops and you take a second to compose yourself, legs still firmly wrapped around Buddy's waist.

"That nice enough?" Buddy asks you with a grin and a raised brow.

"You're evil." Your lips pout, as you try to be even a little mad.

"I know." Murphy replies smugly.

You roll your eyes and press your lips to his, hands running through his damp head of fine hair.

A few minutes later you're returned to the floor and catch your breath a little, taking a second to also check the time.

"Oof, i've gotta go meet my brother babe." You sigh and smooth out a few wrinkles in your shirt.

"Already?" Murphy replies in disappointment, eyes glancing at the clock.

"I know." You sigh and press a light kiss to his lips one last time. "Love you." You softly smile before you slip back into the hallway again.

You walk your way down the hall to your brothers locker room and knock twice before you turn the knob and enter.

"Just me bro." You announce to the room as you shut the door behind you.

"Y/N." You find your big brother with a confident grin on his face, as usual. "I was beginning to think you got lost." He has a small look of questioning on his face.

"Sorry big bro, got caught up talking to Humberto." You lie about where you had been, knowing that Tony wouldn't be mad about you hanging with Humberto.

"Oh." He nods his head and goes back to his business.

Satisfied with your lie you occupy yourself with your phone for the time being, Tony had a match later in the night but you still had a little time to spare. When the time finally comes you and Tony head out to the ring, you stay behind though and hang out at the curtain.

"Y/N." Someone calling your name takes your eyes away from the curtain.

You turn around to see Drew Gulak, accompanied by Jack Gallagher and Humberto as well. You smile at him and turn his way to talk.

"Hey Drew." You smile at him softly.

"I had a question for you actually Y/N." Drew chuckles a little which makes you a little confused.

"Yeah, whats up?" You ask, curious as to what he wanted.

"Just wondering why i may or maynot have seen you coming out of our champions locker room a little earlier today is all." He grins at you.

"Me?" You reply, trying to act innocent. "Out of Murphy's locker room? Ha, you must be seeing things Gulak." You fake a laugh and try to lightly play it off.

"Mhm." Drew nods his head as he shares a look with Jack.

Humberto stands in the back of the pair and gives you a small smile, you knew that he didn't want to join in on Drew's little power play.

"Whatever." You roll your eyes and turn back to the curtain.

"That whatever sounded like a yes to me, didn't it Jack." Drew cooes at you.

You huff, cheeks turning a light red color and spin back around to Drew.

"Okay i'll play, what do you want Gulak?" You glare at him.

"Me?" Drew replies. "I don't want anything from you Y/N." He casually shrugs his shoulders.

You glare even harder at Drew and his pestering friends as the bell rings down in the ring. Seconds later Tony comes walking up the ramp and through the curtain.

"Hey Drew." He nods to Drew as he walks to your side.

"Tony, can we go?" You give your big brother the look.

Tony nods his head without a word and glares at Drew and Jack as he walks you past them. He knew exactly what the look meant.

"They bother you any?" He asks when you are well way from them.

"No, just weird me out is all." You reply, not feeling like getting Drew and Jack into to much trouble.

"Good." Tony nods his head.

The two of you head back to the locker room then part ways for the rest of the night. You head back to your hotel room, only to be greeted by Murphy lingering by the door when you get there.

"What are you." You scold the champ as you pull him by the shirt into your room. "Are you trying to get caught?" You glare at him as you shut the door behind you.

"Relax sweetie." Murphy replies. "Your brother just left for the bar a few minutes ago." He assures you.

"Good." You sigh, calmer now. "By the way, Drew Gulak saw me come out of your locker room earlier." You relay the news as you plop down on your bed.

"He did." Murphy replies as he also plops down on your bed with you. "Want me to kick his ass for you?" He asks in a sweet voice.

"Nah." You shake your head. "Pretty sure Tony has that covered, thanks though babe." You turn on your side and kiss Murphy's cheek.

"Anything for you princess." Buddy nods his head with a smile.

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