Roderick Strong

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You walked backstage and wiped a little blood seeping out of the cut on the inside of your lip with your hand.

"You should probably get that looked at." You hear someone speak up.

You turn your head to see Roderick Strong looking at you with a soft smile, you grin a little at the more laid back member of Undisputed Era.

"Eh." You shake your head. "It'll be fine, probably." Going to get the cut checked out would take extra time, and you weren't the most patient person in the world.

"I'd still get it checked out, just to be sure." Roderick replies.

"Yeah." You nod and look at him. "Maybe i will, if it'll get you to stop worrying that is." You crack a small grin that makes a small stinging sensation wash through your mouth.

"It make me feel slightly better yes." Roderick replies.

"Alright lover boy." All of a sudden Roderick's tag partner, Kyle O'Reilly shows up and pushes him lightly. "We've got a tag match to get to, hey Y/N." He greets you as he pulls Roderick past you.

You laugh a little and make a right to the backstage hands office, Roderick had convinced you with that cute concerned look to go get the cut checked.

You sit and get checked out, and are in the room for a good 20 minutes before they let you go. You where all cleared as far as they were concerned, just a small cut that would heal on its own pretty quick. Satisfied you begin your walk back to the girls locker room when you run into Roderick and Kyle again, only this time they both look a little worse for wear.

"Hey boys." You smile at them both. "Man you two look well." You joke a little. "Who handed your ass's to ya?" You ask them.

"Sanity." Roderick replies in a groan as he holds his ribs.

"Sanity eh." You nod your head. "You two want me to help ya get to the trainer room?" You ask them both.

You'd notice that Roderick was having some balancing trouble and that Kyle was having some trouble keeping him up.

"Uh yeah." Kyle nods.

You walk to the pair and sling one of Rodericks arm over your shoulder, with the extra help both men get to the trainers room with no problems. You drop Roderick off just as their leader, Adam Cole walks in.

"Oh hey Y/N." He nods to you. "You help them get here?" He asks you.

"Yeah." You nod and go to leave.

"Hey." You hear someone call you again. You turn and see that it's Roderick. "Thanks for the help." He smiles weakly at you.

You nod and head back to the locker room for real now. When you get there you take some time to relax and change out of your ring gear.

Back in the trainer's room Adam consults his two men as they both get looked at. He starts with Kyle first since he's less hurt from the beating.

"Man what happened to you two?" He asks Kyle, looking for answers.

"We got ambushed by Sanity and Nikki Cross." Kyle explains.

"It's kind of hard to beat up Sanity with Nikki getting in the way for them." Roderick adds.

Adam sighs and runs a hand through his hair, he had a feeling Sanity was going to be a problem. He waits for both his friends to get fixed up before he comes up with a plan to take car of Sanity.

"Alright boys." Adam gathers up all members of Undisputed Era in the locker room. "We need a plan to take out Sanity." He announces. "Any ideas?" The room goes silent as everyone thinks.

After a few minutes a silence Kyle speaks up from his chair, all the guys turn their attention to him for the time being.

"What we need is someone to take care of Nikki, if she can't get in the way then we can easily take out the rest of Sanity." The rest of the room nods in agreement.

"Okay good idea." Adam nods. "But what girl is crazy enough to fuck with Nikki Cross, and team with us?" He asks.

The room falls silent again as all them men go through the list of women they knew that might be able to help them out. Then once again Kyle speaks out again.

"What about Y/N?" He suggests. "I bet if lover boy over here asks her then she'll help us out." He gestured to Roderick sitting next to him.

Adam nods his head liking the idea, he'd seen some of your matches before. You just might have been crazy enough to handle Nikki for them.

"Sounds like a plan man. Roddie, you up for it?" Adam turns to Roderick for an answer.

"I guess." Roderick nods his head and swallows.

"It's settled then." Adam nods. "Next week we take out Sanity for good." All the men in the room cheer loudly.

Later that night Kyle pushes a nervous Roderick to the women's locker room door, Roderick tries his best to resist but doesn't get far.

"Knock." Kyle threatens him.

Roderick nods and knocks on the door twice, Lacey Evans opens the door. Kyle asks her to fetch you for him.

"Hey Y/N." Lacey calls you as you pack up your gym bag.

"Yeah Lacey?" You look up at her.

"Roderick Strong and Kyle O'Rielly are at the door, say that they wanna talk to you." She tells you.

You nod and sling your bag over your shoulder and walk to the door, you open it up to see Roderick with Kyle right behind him.

"Hey guys." You grin at them. "Glad to see you're alright, what can i do for you?" You ask them.

"Rodericks got something to ask you." Kyle nudges his partner forward.

You look at Roderick with a smile, he looked nervous. You also notice that Roderick looked extremely cute when he was nervous.

"I umm.....I was wondering if maybe you'd be willing to help me and the boys with Sanity?" He stutters out. "Specifically Nikki Cross?" Kyle nods his head behind Roderick.

"Nikki Cross huh?" You reply. "Yeah sure i'd love to help, if i get something in return that is." You crack a smile.

"What's the price?" Kyle replies.

"A date." You reply simply. "With Roderick of course, no offense Kyle." You look to Roderick who looks a bit calmer.

"Y..yeah i think i can pull that off." He nods with a small smile.

"It's a date then." You pat Roderick on the shoulder and then walk past both men. "See you wednesday Roderick." You call to him as you make your way down the hall.

Kyle cracks up when he sees Rodericks red cheeks and hits his arm lightly.

"Come on lover boy, lets go tell Adam the plan is a go."

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