Noam Dar

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The sun was barely starting to make its appearance in the still dark sky when you decided to get up. With most of the world still asleep, including your boyfriend next to you, you quietly get out of bed and make your way to the kitchen. Bare feet hitting against hardwood floor fills your ears as you walk to the kitchen to put on some coffee.

"Hey Naito." You grin as your cat pads into the hallway at the sound of your feet.

The cat lets out a soft meow as he looks up at you with bright eyes, you chuckle to yourself and make your way over to his food bowl in the kitchen.

"Okay okay." You chuckle again as the tabby cat weaves himself between your legs, waiting for food. "Here you go." You set down a small portion of wet cat food from a can.

Naito prances right up to the food and happily scarfes it down, you throw the remaining can away then click on the coffee maker. Taking a quick glance through the window, you see the sun is finally starting to peek its head out from behind the mountains.

You lean against the cool marble counter as you wait for the coffee maker to produce the magical liquid that got you through your day. Before you know it, a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist.

"Mornin love." A slightly groggy voice fills your ears.

"Morning." You hum in response as you eye the coffee maker about to finish up it's job. "You're up early." You comment to Noam as he drops his arms back to his sides.

"So are you love." Noam replies. "It's barely light outside." He glances at the window.

"I know." You sigh contently. "But i just couldn't bring myself to fall back asleep for a few more hours." You explain as you walk over to the coffee pot and grab a mug from the cabinet.

"Mmm, well we've a lot to do today anyway." Noam shrugs his shoulders. "Remember i've got that match with Jordan tonight." He reminds you.

"Ah yes." You roll your eyes. "The lovely Jordan Devlin." Distaste and disdain is present in your tone when you say his name. "Lovely." You huff and poor your coffee.

"Yes i know how you feel about him." Noam shakes his head softly at you. "That's why i took the match, to kick his daft ass for you." He grins proudly.

"My hero." You grin and kiss Noam's cheek lightly.

Noam heads off to have a shower, teasing you to join him. You politely decline and finish your coffee before you head out for a run. By the time you get outside for your daily run it's fully light outside. You enjoy the fresh air then head back to the house to see how Noam is getting on.

"I'm back from my run babe." You call out as you kick off your sneakers at the doorway.

"In the kitchen." Noam yells back from further in the house.

You walk past Noam making himself a quick oatmeal for breakfast and head to the bathroom for a shower of your own. Your run had made you a little sweaty, and you needed a hair wash anyway.

Later in the day you and Noam head to the building where the next few episodes of NXT UK are being filmed, parting ways for a little while. You make your way to the women's locker room to find your good friend, Toni.

"Hey Toni." You grin when you spot her lacing up her shoes on one of the benches.

"Ugh." Is Toni's reply, she disliked him as much as you did.

"I know." You roll your eyes. "Wish me and Noam luck?" You ask her with a grin.

Toni nods and wishes you luck before you head to Noams locker room to meet up with him before his match with Devlin.

"It's me Noam." You announced as you turn the knob to the door. "And i see you're looking rather handsome." You comment when your eyes fall on your boyfriend.

"As do you love, here put this on for me." He throws you one of his supernova jackets.

You take it and slip it on, then look to Noam staring in awe at you and blush.

"Stop staring." You shyly wave him off and cover your face with your hands.

"Can't help it love, you just look to beautiful." Noam replies with a cheesy grin.

You blush even more when he places a kiss to your cheek sweetly.

The two of you head out to the ring since it's time for the match, you watch with a glare as Jordan makes his way down to the ring and winks at you as he passes by. You roll your eyes and get a plan in your head. You lean over and whisper it to Noam before he steps into the ring for the match.

The bell rings and the match starts, all goes well in yours and Noam favor for a bit. He manages to keep Devlin on the other side of the ring and distracted for the time being. You watch closely and wait for the perfect time in inact your plan to make sure the Noam wins and that you have a little fun messing with Jordan.

Sure enough Noam places to his strengths and fakes being hurt, this catches the attention of the ref. This leaves you to take care of Jordan. You catch his attention and deliver a low blow to him with a grin. This sends him to the floor in pain and Noam back into action.

With the help Noam easily picks up the pin without a problem. You jump in the ring for a little celebration. And as a little icing on the cake, you pull Noam by the loops of his tights into a heated kiss, with Jordan groaning in pain at your feet.

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