Xavier Woods

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"Are you sure you even wanna go?" You ask your boyfriend as he pulls into the long driveway of your aunts property. "I've told you how she gets." Xavier reaches over and pats your hand soothingly.

"It'll be fine, I think I can take a few racist comments from an old lady." He tells you. "Besides the rest of your family don't hate me do they?" He asks you.

"No." You smile widely. "They love you almost as much as I do." You giggle.

"Exactly, and we brought presents for the kids so they have to at least like me." Xavier jokes.

You laugh as Xavier pulls the car into the driveway and finds a place to park, you both climb out of the car and Xavier piles presents into his hands covering his face for the time being. You walk up the stairs and into the water house and are greeted by a cousin of yours.

"Y/n you made it, and you brought a friend." He smiles as he sees Xavier training behind you.

"Good to see you to Ryan." You hug the taller male. "This is my boyfriend Xavier." You gesture to Xavier behind you still holding boxes.

"Oh let me help you man." Ryan grabs a few boxes off the top of the stack to reveal Xavier's face. You look for a reaction but Ryan just smiles.

Relieved you'd gotten off without a hitch yet you walk further into the house and are greeted by little kids, your younger cousins all bombarding you.

"Y/n's here." One of them announces causing them all to swarm you.

"Well hello everyone." You giggle as you pick one of them up. "Did you guys miss me?" You ask all of them getting a collective yes as a reply. "Good cuz I missed you guys to, and I brought gifts." You looks back at Xavier and Ryan setting down brightly wrapped boxes.

Upon seeing the gifts all the small kids run off in a hurry, except for one girl. Your niece Avery remains glued to your leg. You pick her up and balance her on your hip with a smile.

"God you're getting big." You say as you heave her up a bit. "What are you looking at sweetie?" You ask the small girl seeing she looks occupied.

"Who's that?" She asks pointing a sticky finger at Xavier. You chuckle and put her hand down.

"That's my boyfriend Xavier." You tell her with a smile, a huge grin spreads on the girls face.

"He's yours?" She asks you as she stares at him.

"Ha." You chuckle at the girls choice of words. "Yeah hes mine." Avery looks back to you with rosy cheeks.

"He's really handsome." She hides her face as she says this.

"Yeah he is." You giggle a reply. "Come on let's go say hi." You walk up to Xavier with Avery in your hands.

"Getting along with everyone?" You ask Xavier as you walk up to him. "This is Avery she thinks your handsome." You tell him as you pull Avery from hiding in your jacket.

"Well hello there pretty lady." Xavier smiles at Avery. She waves a little and you set her down on the floor.

All of a sudden you hear a loud squeal of joy and you turn around just in time to see your older sister Tori pull you into a hug.

"Y/n!" She hugs you tightly. "I'm so glad you could make it." She let's you go and sees Xavier behind you. "He belong to you?" She asks you.

"Yeah he's mine, Xavier this is my sister Tori." You introduce them quickly before Tori pulls you aside to talk for a bit.

"He's hot." Is the first thing she tells you as you both stand alone in the Hall. "Had aunt Liz seen him?" Is the next thing she asks.

Your expression turns a little sour at the mention of your aunts name, she raised you and Tori after your parents died. She was also a huge racist, being from rural Texas and having an opinion on everything you and her often butted heads.

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