Adam Cole

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"Thanks dad." You take your jacket from your dads hand and slip it over your shoulders.

"Sure thing princess, just stay out of trouble on your first day please." Hunter nods his head as he looks at you sternly.

"No promises." You grin before you walk away, not giving your father to protest any longer.

Today was your first day in NXT finally, you had finally wore down your parents, Hunter and Stephanie, to let you join the roster. Sure today was more of a scouting day, to get a feel of what was going on. But that didn't matter much to you, you were finally a full fledged wrestler.

You aren't on your own for long when you spot an interesting looking group down the hall from you, decked out in all black and yellow gear, as well as each man looking especially good looking. You instantly recognize them as Undisputed Era, and your gaze falls to the leader of the superior NXT faction, Adam Cole.

"Hello" You confidently grin as you walk up to the group, eager to meet the troublemakers.

"Well hello to you to." Adam is the first one to speak up as soon as he turns your way. "Haven't seen you around here before gorgeous." He smirks at you.

"Oh I've been around here before." You grin right back. "Just usually with a security detail is all. Y/N Levesque-McMahon." You introduce yourself in a proud manner, as you were taught.

Adam nods his head and shares a look with the rest of his buddies, he knew exactly who you were. And more importantly, who your parents were.

"Trip and Stephanie's oldest right?" Adam double checks just to be sure. "What's the pride and joy of the McMahon family doing backstage at NXT with no security?" He asks curiously.

"Today's actually my first day as a member of the roster." You reply. "Finally wore them down to let me join." You feel satisfied to no end to be able to say that you were a member of the roster.

"First day huh, guess that means you'll be looking for friends then." Adam nods his head. "Well hate to break it to ya princess, but we aren't exactly the types that your mom and dad wouldn't want you hanging out with." He chuckles, waiting to see your reaction.

"That's exactly why i'd love to become a close acquaintance with the four of you." You are quick to reply with a mischievous grin.

Adam chuckles again and turns back to the rest of his silent buddies, they all share silent looks before they all turn back to you.

"What makes you think we'd want a spoiled McMahon to join our group?" Roderick asks you with a raised brow.

"Because i'm good at what i do, and because nothing says powerful like a McMahon that scoffs in the face of her parents authority." You grin, a rebellious look in your eye. "Not to mention i'm Vince's favorite grand kid, and always get what i want when it comes to him." You flaunt the fact like a proud title.

"Sounds like a sweet deal princess." Adam nods his head, blatantly intrigued by you. "But as much as corrupting Steph and Trips precious little girl sounds. We still don't know if you can handle yourself in the ring." The rest of the group nods along with Adam.

"Guess you'll just have to watch and learn then playboy." You wink at Adam then go ahead and walk off, satisfied with your first impression.

Adam chuckles as you walk off, admiring the view as you get further and further away from him. As soon as he turns around he speaks up.

"Dibs boys." He utters the two words that make his friend groan.

"No fair." Kyle shakes his head.

A week later and you convince your father to get you a match, but not just any match. You manage to worm your way into a match with the one and only Shayna Baszler, current NXT women's champ. It isn't for the belt of course, but you know it's sure to catch the attention of Adam and his buddies. While also getting cred with the NXT fans.

"Okay, good luck out there sweetie." Hunter wishes you luck before you head out to the ring.

"Thanks dad." You nod and step through the curtain with a huge grin. You made it.

You walk down to the ring with a proud look, like a true McMahon would. Some people cheer, and others boo, but you don't mind. Shayna comes out next, also getting a mixed reaction from the crowd. She nods to you from across the ring and then the bell goes off.

Shayna puts up a good enough fight against you, but you've got both an offense and a defense that makes it hard for her to get anything done. Then, after a small cheat distraction at the ref, you manage to roll Shayna up for a three count. With a little help from her tights, you manage to keep her down to the mat. The bell rings and you jump for joy as the crowd erupts into chants of cheater and some cheers.

Happy with your win you catch your breath for a minute and are about to exit the ring when Undisputed Era's music hits again. You look at the top of the ramp and grin when Adam nods at you and begins walking down the ramp.

"You are good, that's for sure." He grins when he steps into the ring. "We all talked, and decided, we'd love to help in your rebellion against the company." Adam chuckles and slings an arm around you. "And just so you know." He whispers in your ear. "I called dibs babe." He smirks at you.

"Can't argue with that." You whisper back.

Roderick hands Adam a mic just as Hunter comes out to the ramp, ready to get his daughter back.

"Looks like we've found our newest member of Undisputed Era Hunter." He taunts your dad from the ring. "Opinion on her Hunter?" He grins as he stares Hunter down.

"Sorry dad." You wave with a grin from your spot next to Adam.

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