Ethan Carter III

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“You're in my way Billie.” Ethan huffs as the raven haired girl stands in front of him twirling a strand of it with her manicured nails.

“Good, that means i've got the best seat in the house.” She giggles as she stands her ground determined to get Ethans attention.

Ethan runs a hand though his short fine hair and sighs, this was the third time today the either Peyton or Billie decided to annoy him.

“I've told you before Billie, i'm not interested.” He tells her as he takes a step forward ready to push past her.

Billie huffs in a pout, rejection wasn't something a girl like her was used to. Ethan walks past her and continues on his journey to an interview he had to get to, Billie still angry goes and fetches Peyton in a rush. Ethan had to be into some girl, that had to be the only foreseeable reason he wasn't paying attention to her or Peyton.

Ethan was getting tired of Billie and Peyton bothering him, they were not his type of girl at all. No in fact Ethan had his eyes set on a much more mild mannered girl that worked for NXT. That girl was y/n l/n, an interviewer and sweet girl with a smile that could knock you dead. And Ethan was headed her way for his interview.

“Mkay boys the camera’s ready?” You ask the crew as they stand a few feet in front of you.

You hold a microphone in your hand and are ruffling out a small wrinkle in your shirt with your free hand, all this and your night is just beginning. You've got three more interviews and some other things to do after you get Done with Ethan. On the other hand you always looked forward to doing segments with Ethan, despite his reputation and looks he was a sweet guy.

“Okay.” You clap your hands together. “Now we just need Carter.” You nod to the crew just as Ethan enters the room with a smile.

You crack a smile of your own and shake his hand before he takes his place about a foot from you, he towers above you since you were never that tall to begin with.

“I'm here with Ethan Carter III Ec3, Ethan what do you have to say about the challenge for the north american championship by Adam Cole earlier tonight?” You ask as you turn to him.

“y/n.” Ethan starts with a smile. “Adam Cole isn't going to know what hit him when i get in the ring with him. His whole winning the ladder match was just a fluke, he gets in the ring one on one with me and he’s going down to the top 1%.” You nod and take the microphone back.

As you do your eye catches movement a few feet away, upon further inspection you see Billie Kay and Peyton Royce looking a little angry as they make glances from you to Ethan. You mentally shrug and ask a few more questions to Ethan.

“Thats who he’s into?” Billie nearly screams as she paces the hall. “That little interview slut?” Peyton nods her head just as angry as her partner.

“I can't believe her, she’s such a fucking slut taking our man away from us.” Peyton vents as Billie still paces. “I mean what does she have that we don't?” Billie shakes her head unable to come up with an answer.

“Come on Peyton, we need to have ourselves a little talk with y/n.” She all of a sudden smiles wide. Peyton also smiles and they go off to find you, to have a ‘talk’.

You stand in the same spot you where in an hour ago, you had not moved since Ethan was in the room. Of course he was gone now, but you were stuck still doing segments for NXT. You run a hand through your hair and turn to the camera crew.

“Some one hand me a water.” You ask them holding your hand out. One of them tosses you a bottle and you see Peyton and Billie enter the room. “Hey Peyton, Billie.” You smile at both of them before taking a drink of water.

“Hey y/n.” Billie fake smiles at you as she strolls up to your side. “How are you tonight?” She asks.

“Fine, just a bit tired of standing here is all.” You reply placing the cap back on your bottle.

You are totally oblivious to the fact that both girls are furious at you and don't exactly have good intentions in what they are doing.

“You on break?” Peyton asks from behind Billie, you nod not thinking anything of the question. “Can we talk to you in the hall for a second?” She asks you.

“Yeah sure i've got some time.” You nod as you follow both girls out to the hall.

Once the door shuts both girl expressions change from cherry to very angry, you wear  confused look as they both corner you.

“So we’ve got a message for you slut.” Billie spits at you.

“Stay away from our man.” Peyton adds just as angry.

You raise an eyebrow in confusion, you had no idea what they were talking about.

“Your man?” You ask confused. “What are you two talking about?” Billie snickers thinking that you're playing dumb.

"Ha." Peyton laughs. "You know what you're doing." She goes to hit you.

You grab her hand and throw it back down realizing this matter is serious.

"I don't have a clue what you two psychos are talking about." You sharply reply to them.

You know for a fact this is going to end in a fight, sure you could take on on easily, you used to box and did a little MMA. But both of them was to much for you to handle alone.

"Stay away from Ethan you fucking skank." Billie all if a sudden yells at you.

"Ethan?" You reply. "This is about fucking Ethan?" You almost scream. "I'm not even involved with Ethan." You shake your head.

Billie and Peyton aren't hearing it and go off on you, you defend yourself pretty well until the fight is broken up by a sharp voice.

"What the hell?" Someone yells at all of you.

Peyton and Billie instantly freeze, knowing who the voice belongs to.

"Ethan." Billie looks on in shame.

"Get lost both of you." He warns both of them.

Billie and Peyton sprint off as fast as they can, they'd been caught in the act. Now Ethan really wasn't going to like them. Ethan hurries over to you as you shake out your shoulders a little.

"Are you alright?" Is the first thing he asks corner in his eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine." You nod feeling a bruise forming on your right arm. "Man those to are nutty." You shake it off with a smile.

"Yeah they are why'd they attack you?" Ethan asks wondering what the pair had against you.

"Ha." You chuckle. "You." You tell him. "Apparently they don't like me flirting with you." Sarcasm is laced in your voice.

"Flirting?" Ethan replies sharply. "You weren't flirting? Where you?" He asks.

"Not really." You shrug. "I didn't think you where really into me." Ethan chuckles this time. "Are you?" You ask.

"Yeah kinda." He rubs the back of his neck.

"Ha aren't we a pair?" You laugh.

"Yeah aren't we." Ethan also laughs. "So does this me a if I ask you for a drink you'll accept?" He asks.

"Depends." You reply. "Peyton and Billie gonna beat me up again?" You ask making both of you laugh this time.

"Can't guarantee anything." Ethan replies.

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