Marty Scurll

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The rain beat down on your skin as you sprinted across the parking lot with Marty at your side, since you where both late you had been forced to take a really bad parking spot at the other side of the lot. By the time you get inside the complex both of you are soaking wet.

"Oh my...hahahaha." You laugh as you pick at your soaked top. "Marty please tell me you have extra clothes in your locker room?" You ask him with a large grin.

"Hahaha, im sure we can find you something love." Marty nods to you as he also picks at his soaked shirt. "Come on." He leads you into the building.

You get to Marty's locker room and step into the room, its comfortingly warm an oposite to the rest of the building.

"Oooh it's cozy in here." You comment as you rub your arms.

"Yeah it is." Marty nods as he throws you a towel. "Towel off with this love, and ill see about gettin ud some proper clothes." He disapears through the door.

You stand and towel off the best you can, making sure to work on your hair the most since you still have to look at least kind of presentable. Marty comes back and hands you a pair of sweats and a t-shirt.

"Here you are love, these should fit you nicely." He hands you the clothing and turns around so you can change.

You nod and peel the shirt on your body off first, then you sigh. Your bra is soaked through completely, you cant wear it like this. You strip that off to and throw on the shirt, then you do the same with your pants, fortuniatly for you your underwear are still wearable.

"Mkay you can turn around now Marty." You let Marty turn around now that you're dressed.

Marty turns around and nod his head, his clothes are baggy on your much smaller frame.

"You look better than i do in those." He compliments you with that cute smile of his.

"Thanks." You nod. "I guess Cody and Kenny should be here soon." You comment just as the door swings open.

"Woah." Kenny smirks as he eyes you and Marty. "Looks like Marty's been getting busy with our eye candy." He grins to Cody.

"What happened to you two?" Cody asks being a little more decent.

"late, got caught in the rain." You explain to Cody who just nods.

"Yeah what she said mate, im not the type to take a girl in the locker room. Unlike some people." He shoots a look at Kenny.

Kenny smiles that stupid grin and turns back to you, you sit next to Marty and look down at your phone.

"Well at least you still look like a babe." He shrugs his shoulders. "Weve got a match with Ibushi and Okada in fifteen." He tells Marty.

"Alright mate, give me a minute ill meet you guys later." Marty nods as he goes to change again.

Cody and Kenny take you down to the waiting spot, you gravitat to Cody more since Kenny tends to be a flirt.

You and Cody chill of to the side while Kenny occupies himself with some blonde girl, while he's busy Cody turns to you with a smile.

"So you and Marty eh?" He nods to you.

"What about me and Marty?' You reply looking at the taller male.

"Are you kidding me?" Cody replies putting a hand on your shoulder. "That man is smitten with you, has been since day one." He tells you.

You take a small step back, this was crucial info to you. 

"M-Marty likes me?" You ask Cody shocked at this info.

"Duh." Cody replies. "That man talks about you more that anyone in the world. When we travel its y/n this y/n that." He sounds annoyed as he tells you this.

"Really?" You ask again.

"Yeah, don't you like him to?" Cody all of a sudden asks you.

"Well yeah." You reply. "Who doesn't like Marty?" Cody nods his head. "I just thought he saw me as more of a sibling or a good friend is all." You admit.

"Ha." Kenny all of a sudden slides next to you. "Marty likes you as just about anything than a friend." He grins at you.

"You knew to?" You ask Kenny.

"Oh yeah, you're all he ever talks about man." He nods to you.

A small smile spreads on your face, Marty really did have a thing for you. 

When Marty gets down to the curtain to meet the rest of you he finds Cody and Kenny crowding you all wearing smiles. This worries him a bit, had one of them finally asked you out since he couldnt bring himself to do it. Curious he makes his presence known.

"Hey guys." He clears his throat. "What are all you blokes talking about?" He asks as he squeezes in next to you and Cody.

"Oh nothing much." Kenny smiles and nods.

"Yeah nothing interesting, right y/n?" Cody replies lightly nudging you.

"Yeah we where just talking is all Marty." You nod along with Cody and Kenny. "Anyway, ready to go guys?" You ask all of them.

All the guys nod and they all head out, you wait for a second and come in after them doing your own entrance.

"Oooooh you are in for it after this man." Kenny smirks and elbows Marty as he watches you make your entrance.

"What?" Marty replies looking at Kenny.

"What he means is, she knows you like now lover boy." Cody explains as his eyes fix on you as you walk around the ring.

"She what?" Marty almost chokes, he shuts up when you walk over to his side though.

You offer Marty a smile and settle in place as Kenny steps into the ring for the match to start, while it goes on you cant contain yourself.

"Hey Marty." You grab his attention from the ring.

"Yeah?" Marty replies looking to you.

"Cody said that you like, like like me. That true?" You ask him a little awkward.

"Uhhhh. Yeah i um kind of do like you." He nods rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry Cody and Kenny had to break it to ya." He apologizes.

"That okay Marty, i kinda like you to. I just didn't have the courage to admit it either." You chuckle a little.

All of a sudden the bell rings, Kenny got pinned. He rolls out of the ring pissed off, Cody grabs him and drags him off.

"Let them be Kenny." You him scold Kenny.

"Their damn romance better be worth me loosing." Kenny snaps back as he looks at the both of you.

"Whoops." You throw your hands up and giggle.

"Yeah what she said." Marty nods.

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