Becky Lynch

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You stood by backstage with your microphone in hand, waiting for you cue to start talking by the cameraman.

"Alright, were good." The cameraman nods his head at you.

"This is Y/N L/N, standing by with the current WWE Heavyweight champion, Daniel Bryan." You speak fluently into the microphone as Daniel steps into frame. "Daniel, do you have any comments regarding what AJ said about you earlier tonight in the ring?" You ask him and slide the microphone his way.

Daniel looks at you with a confident grin, something that he had often now. You smile slightly at him and wait for answer.

"Y/N, AJ can say whatever he wants about me." Daniel grins. "We all know it's just a cheap attempt to get on my nerves, and trust me it doesn't work." You nod your head and take the mic back.

"Okay, and what about your match Samoa Joe this sunday at Night of Champions?" You ask another question.

"Samoa Joe?" Daniel replies. "What about him?" Daniel chuckles.

You go to reply but catch movement out of the corner of your eye, your instincts cut in so you take a step back. As you do, sure enough Joe comes out from some boxes and attacks Daniel. You drop your mic and back away from the brawl, as you do you trip on a camera cord and fall to the floor.

"Hey you alright?" You hear someone ask you as you go to get up from the floor.

You look up to see Becky Lynch looking at you with concern eyes and holding her hand out.

"I...uh." You stutter out and take her hand. "Yeah.......yeah i'm okay." You nod and get to your feet with her help.

You knew that you were bisexual from a young age, it really had never been a problem for you since then. You'd dated a few guys, and a girl in highschool when you were younger.

You blush when Becky looks at you again, she had been one of the woman that proved the fact that you were a disaster of a bi woman.

"You sure?" Becky asks you again, her gaze falling to your reddish hands.

You look down at your hands, just now noticing the pain coming from them. Nothing was serious, but you knew that they'd probably be red and sore for the rest of the night.

"Oh, they're okay." You assure her with a nod. "Just a little sore." You admit with a small chuckle and look back up at Becky.

"Sore?" Becky replies. "Man, men am i right?" She chuckles. "No regard for the personal safety of cute broadcast girls." She shakes her head.

You blush again, did Becky just call you cute? Becky looks back to you, with a softer expression. She places a gentle hand on your shoulder with a small smile.

"Come on, you should run them under some cool water." She tells you.

Unable to deny that you wanted Becky to help you out, you let her walk you to one of the restrooms and turn on the water for you.

"Thanks." You smile at Becky as she leans against the counter and watches you run your hands through the cool water.

"No problem." She grins. "And hey, those idiots give you a hard time again just let me know." She tells you.

"Really?" You reply and turn the water off.

"You bet." Becky nods. "If there's one thing i know i can do, it's make sure that no one messes with you again." She nods sternly.

"Thanks Becky." You nod.

Becky nods her head and takes her leave for the time being, you get back to work a flustered mess. You were pretty sure that Becky Lynch was flirting with you. With a little free time you call up the one girl that you know will understand. Sonya Deville.

"Sonya." You stroll into her locker room with a joyous grin.

"Woah." Sonya takes one look at you and smiles herself. "What's got you all giddy?" She asks as you take a seat next to her.

"You'll never guess who was just flirting with me?" You reply in an excited tone. "Becky Lynch." You gleefully cheer.

"No." Sonya replies."Really? When? How?" She bounces also in excitement.

"I tripped and fell evading Joe and Daniel duking it out, when she helped me up and offered to kick their ass's for me." You explain.

"No way." Sonya shakes her head. "Dude she's totally into you." Sonya smacks your arm lightly.

"I know!" You giggle. "What should i do?" You ask, your cheeks flushing a little.

"I say go get her." Sonya replies. "You deserve someone as badass as Becky." She encourages you.

"Yeah." You reply confidently. "I do, thanks Sonya." You smile and head out of the locker room.

You get back to work for the time being, you have an interview with Cien Almas, who had a tendency to flirt with you.

"This is Y/N L/N, and i'm here with Andrade." You look at the camera as Andrade steps into frame. "Andrade, how are you fairing while your business partner Zelina Vega isn't here?" You ask him as you look his way.

It doesn't take long for Andrade to start flirting with you, you try your best to avoid his advances and keep it on the current subject. Andrade keeps his game strong though, that is until you feel a hand on your shoulder.

"And that's strike three Almas." Becky grins as she steps next to you. "Sorry but you're out." She steps up to him, daring him to challenge her. "Y/N here isn't interested, okay?" She tells him.

You stand in silence as Becky gets Andrade to leave, he walks off and she turns back to you.

"Told ya i'd scare off all those morons." She grins and turns back to you.

"Yeah, thanks." You blush a little bit.

"No problem, you look cute when you blush by the way." She compliments you. "Red is definitely your color." She grins.

"Ha yeah." You nod, blushing even harder.

"In fact, why don't you join this redhead for coffee later tonight?" Becky asks you with a confident grin.

"Y-yeah, i'd love to." You nod.

"Great." Becky replies. "I'll come find you later then."

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