Cedric Alexander/Mustafa Ali

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You walked into the arena with a smile on your face, you'd finally been invited to go see a friend of yours at his place of work. That friend was Cedric Alexander. The two of you had been friends since the two of you had been little kids, but since Cedric traveled a lot for work you two hardly saw each other.

"Ceddy!" You can't control your emotions when you spot your best friend standing a few feet away from you.

"Y/N" Cedric turns his head almost immediately, smile on his face as wide as can be.

You sprint down the hall and meet Cedric halfway, engulfing you in a huge hug that was long overdue.

"I'm so glad you could make it." Cedric stills hugs you tight to his body.

"Me to Ceddy, it's been to long." You don't have a problem with the hug and happily hold on with a smile.

When Cedric finally does let you go he looks you over with a huge grin on his face, you smile back at him and go ahead and do the same.

"How have you been girl, i see you cut your hair." Cedric comments on your new haircut.

"I've been fine Cedric, keeping up with you actually." You mention that you've been watching Cedric's matches in your spare time.

"Oh have you now?" Cedric raises a playful eyebrow at you.

"Yep." You nod with a grin. "Gotta keep up with what my best friend has been up to when i'm not around." You tease.

You and Cedric both laugh at the light joke. After you both manage to settle down a little bit Cedric offers you take you to his locker room, and maybe even meet a few of the other 205 superstars around.

You of course accept the offer and head off side by side with Cedric, he takes you to his locker room and heads inside with you. You step into the locker room and find that another person is in the room with you and Cedric.

"Oh, Ced you didn't tell me you had company." The other man locks eyes with you.

You swallow hard as you look over the man in front of you, tall with a head of long dark hair. A smile that shone bright, and a pair of intense eyes to match. He was gorgeous, and you recognized him as someone that often hung out with Cedric on 205 Live when you watched it.

"Y/N, this is my buddy Mustafa." Cedric introduces you. "Mustafa, this is Y/N. Me and her go way back." Cedric looks at the both of you for an initial reaction.

"Hi." You hold out your hand for a handshake. "It's nice to meet you Mustafa." You greet him with a huge grin.

"Yeah, it's a pleasure." Mustafa nods his head, his eyes staring into yours.

Cedric clears his throat and breaks then silence in the room, you drop Mustafa's hand and turn back to Cedric. You can feel a light dusting of warmth in your cheeks.

"So Y/N, wanna come see some more of the setup?" Cedric suggest, now feeling awkward with Mustafa also in the room.

"Yeah i'd love to." You nod your head. "What are you planning on doing Mustafa?" You turn to Mustafa with a curious grin.

"I've got nothing going on tonight." Mustafa shrugs. "I'd love to join the two of you." He smiles warmly at you.

You nod and head out with Cedric and your new friend, the two of them walk either side of you. They take you around the backstage area of the arena for a full tour.

"So Cedric, Mustafa, how long have you two known each other?" You ask curiously as you walk with both men.

"Oh what?" Cedric thinks for a second.

"Three or four years now." Mustafa answers the question for him

"That long?" You look over at Cedric. "And you never mentioned him to me?" You lightly punch Cedrics arm.

"Ouch." Cedric rubs his arm. "Sorry, i just didn't think about it." He sighs.

In reality Cedric had a perfectly good reason for not introducing you to Mustafa sooner. He knew for a fact that you'd be smitten with Mustafa the moment you met him, he was just your type of guy. Cedric had known he had a crush on you since he was a teenager, but he kept it to himself in fear of you not feeling the same way.

"Yeah Ced." Mustafa nods his head. "You should have told me that you such a cool and pretty friend." He glances at you with a smile.

You laugh a little bit and smile back at Mustafa, him and Cedric go to finish up the tour. You all stop at where the curtain to the ramp is, kind of a final destination on your little tour.

"Uh oh." Cedric all of a sudden speaks up when you see the curtain moves.

You look at the curtain to see a tall ginger step through the gap, his eyes immediately take over your body as he walks your way. A unsettling smirk on his face.

"Well hello gorgeous." The man you now recognize as the current champion on 205, Buddy Murphy grins at you. "Haven't seen you around here before doll." He looks down at you and ignores the two men at your side.

"I'm just visiting for the day." You reply cooly.

"Yeah, she's a friend of mine Murphy." Cedric speaks up and takes a step ahead of you.

"She's a friend of ours." Mustafa corrects him and does the same.

Murphy rolls his eyes and looks past both of them back at you.

"Come find me if you wanna be shown a real good time sweetheart." He offers you with a smirk before he walks off.

Both Cedric and Mustafa keep in front of you until Murphy is out of sight. Once he's gone they both turn back to you.

"Well he's forward." You chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah he is." Cedric nods his head. "He's also an ass." He shakes his head.

"Yeah he is." Mustafa agree's. "You alright?" He places a gentle hand on your arm.

"Yeah i'm fine, thanks for standing up for me. The both of you." You thank both men.

"No problem." Both of them reply in unison.

You nod at both of them and internally shake your head. Mustafa was a gentleman and a good guy from what you could tell, and Cedric had always been a great guy. You'd been having mixed feelings about him for a while now.

And now you have two men that like you, and you're sure that you have a crush on both.

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