Marty Scurll

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“There she is.” Kenny smirks as he barges into your office with Marty and Matt in tow. “My favorite girl.” He strolls up to your desk and places a hand on it.

You look up from your laptop to look at the curly haired man in front of you, so much for a quiet night at the office for you. You roll your eyes, a gesture that you often do when your graced with the heavyweight champs presence.

“Can i help you Kenny?” You ask sweetly as you look across the oak desk at him. You don't like the smirk he wears on his face.

Kenny leans further your way with a smile. “Well i could think of a few things you can help me with.” He winks suggestively making you once again roll your eyes. “But that's not what we’re here for.” You nod and look past Kenny to his slightly less attractive companion Marty.

In your opinion Kennt was hotter when it came to physical appearance, but holy hell did Marty’s accent drive you up the wall. When he spoke it was like an angel singing, or something along those lines.

“So why did he need you two to come with him?” You ask taking some time to also look at Matt to your right.

“Said he needed back up love.” Marty answers you. “Plus he’s not the only one that enjoys the view.” He smirks.

You swallow hard, god that voice. You turn back to the main man in the room and place your chin in your hand.

“You can keep staring, or you could actually tell me what you want.” You tell him.

“Well since you asked so nicely.” Kenny replies leaning down a bit. “We need ourselves a match.” He grins at you.

You remove your chin from your hand and raise an eyebrow. “And what makes you think i'm going to just give you one?” You ask him. “You’re cute Omega, but not that cute.” You tell him.

Kenny nods at the comment and glances back at Matt and Marty, you snicker and he puts his gaze back to you.

“If you think that your whole intimidation tactic works on me you really are dumb. I know for a fact Matt wont hit a girl, and Marty is to much of a gentleman to do anything bold to me.” You hammer down on them. “And as for you, well we both know that you won't lay a hand on me babe.” You challenge his play boldly.

Marty and Matt both try and hold back laughs as kenny looks at you to try and come with another play. Not being able to come up with anything he rolls his eyes at you and turns to go.

“You win this round y/n, but i'll be back.” He warns you. “And this time i’ll bring something that you can't turn down.” He adds as he leaves the room.

You giggle and smile at Marty as he’s the last one out of the room, he smiles back at you before Matt grabs him by the arm and pulls him out of the room. Now left with some peace and quiet you get back to work.

The trio meet back up in the locker room for another game plan, Kenny is determined to find something to get you to make a match.

“Just use Marty.” Matt finally speaks up making both Kenny and Marty turn their attention. “What?” He asks as they both move their gaze to him. “She’s crazy for that stupid accent man.” He explains.

“She is?” Kenny replies.

“Yeah what he said.” Marty adds this being new information to the both of them.

“Oh yeah.” Matt nods. “That whole british slang thing? Dives her up the wall, you two don't notice she’s always crossing her legs under her desk when Marty opens his mouth?” He asks them. How neither of them noticed that he didn't know.

“That's perfect.” Kenny suddenly jumps up with an idea forming in his head. “Marty man.” He turns to the brit who sits quietly next to him. “Turn that accent up to eleven man, your flirting our way into this match.” He tells Marty.

“Im what?” Marty replies looking at his leader. “How am i going to flirt my way into getting us a match booked?” He asks not getting what Matt or Kenny means.

“Don't sweat it man.” Matt puts a hand up. “All you gotta do is get her cornered in her office and let that smooth ass voice do the rest.” He tells the younger man.

“Just make sure to get real up close and personal, you ask her anything and she’ll have to give it to you just to get you out of there.” Kenny adds.

“Yeah if it goes that way.” Matt replies with a smirk.

The to older members of Bullet Club share a sly look that Marty doesn't like before dragging him back to your office. Kenny gives him a few tips which he turns down before Marty swallows and strides into your room.

You finish up a few things when the door opens back up, you look up to see Marty walk through the door looking rather good since you last saw him.

“Oh Marty, what are you doing here?” You ask him as you look up at him, he wears a toothy grin on his face.

“Came to talk to ya ‘bout that match love.” He tells you he's letting his accent ring thick off his tongue. His eyes happen to trail down just in time to see your legs twitch and cross at the ankle, Matt was right.

“I already told you no.” You remind him with a roll of your eyes.

“No love.” Marty replies as he moves to your side around the desk. You swallow hard as he nears you so you can hear him better. “I believe you told Kenny no.” A shiver runs down your spin. Marty inches closer to your ear and you find that you can't move, one of his hands lands on your desk in front of you and the other brushes a piece of hair from your shoulder. “See love, something tells me that you won't say no to me would ya?” He whispers in your ear.

Your face turns red and your legs cross all the way as you quickly scoot your seat away a little and nod your head as heat radiates off your body.

“F-fine.” You stutter out. “I-I’ll make the m-match.” Marty nods at you and moves back over to you. “Atta girl love.” He whispers as he slides a hand in the pocket of your jeans and leaves a paper there then makes his way out of the room. “Pleasure doing business love.” He smirks as he leaves.

As soon as he’s gone you let out a huge breath of air, you can feel your skin radiating heat profusely. You happen to glance at your reflection in your laptop, your cheeks are bright red. And even though you hate to admit it, you need to promptly make a trip to the washroom as you uncross your legs. Before you do you take the paper from your pocket.

Call me, 876-883-3146

Outside Kenny and Matt lean against the door as Marty makes his way out, they both look to Marty for an answer for if they got a match.

“You were right.” He nods to Matt a new found confidence in his voice. “She couldn't say no.” He smirks.

The trio exchange high fives and celebrate a victory, a bit later Marty’s phone buzzes and it’s safe to say he knows who it is.

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