Mustafa Ali

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"Why does it always have to be like this?" You ask with a shaky breath, your voice cracks as you feel angry tears welling up in your eyes.

"Well why do you always have to make such a fucking event out of everything?" Adam yells back at you with a raised voice.

"All i asked was where you were!" Your voice cracks again. "Is that such a hard question to answer?" You ask in an almost hushed tone.

"Yes it is!" Adam huffs. "You're supposed to be my girlfriend, not my damn babysitter." You shake your head at Adam answer.

You'd been having these bad fights with Adam for a few weeks now, he'd been coming home way late with no explanation as to where he was when he was gone. You take a breath and suck up the tears brimming your eyes.

"I'm done Adam." You firmly state as you look at him with a stone face. "So take your shit and leave, because unless you can give me one reason why i shouldn't believe that you're a cheating asshole, i'm done with you, and us." You huff firmly at him.

Adam nods his head, he looks just as angry as you do. You watch as he shakes his head and walks past you to retrieve his things. You watch as he gathers his stuff and walks to the door.

"FIne, if this is what you want." He looks at you as his hand lingers on the doorknob.

"Goodbye Adam." You watch the door.

Adam turns the knob and leaves out the door. You sigh when he's gone and take a seat on the couch, you were finally free from that mental torture.

A few weeks later and you feel like a new person, Adam had been weighing you down and making you more miserable then you realized. Now you happily walked into work, ready to take on the day.

"Ah Y/N." Hunter catches you in the hall and stops you from getting to your locker room.

"Hey Hunter." You grin and look at the boss wondering what he could want. "What's up?" You ask him curiously.

"I was wondering if you could do a favour for me." Hunter replies. "I've got a new member of the SmackDown roster that needs a little tour, but i have a meeting to get to." He explains.

"Yeah i can help out." You nod your head and accept the request. "Who's the new guy?" You ask, wondering who you were about to parade around the building.

"Great thanks, he in my office if you'll just follow me." Hunter nods and leads you down the hall to one of the empty office rooms. "Mustafa, i've got someone i'd like you to meet." Hunter opens the door to the office and immediately introduces you to the newbie.

You look inside the room to see a handsome man with bright eyes smiling at you, he looks lean so you assume that he's from the 205 roster.

"Hi, i'm Y/N." You greet the man with a small smile.

"Mustafa Ali." The guy replies with his own smile.

Hunter nods off to the side, pleased with his work. Then he dismisses himself and leaves you and the newbie to get acquainted.

"So, i'm gonna take a guess and say that you're from the 205 roster?" You shoot a guess at Mustafa.

"Yep." He nods with a smile. "Thanks for offering to show me around by the way." He thanks you.

"Oh no problem, i've not nowhere to be anytime soon." You shrug, happy to help. "I'm not booked for tonight anyway." You explain. "What about you? You booked for tonight?" You turn to Mustafa.

"I don't think so, no." He shakes his head.

"Cool." You nod. "That means we've got all the time in the world then." You grin.

"Ha yeah, i guess so." Mustafa nods.

You grin and take Mustafa out into the hall and past all of the important areas in the backstage area. He walks beside you and listens to every word that comes out of your mouth.

"And that's where the boss usually records stuff for the show." You point to the door with the SmackDown logo on it. "Anyway, anyone come up to SmackDown with you?" You ask curiously.

You had a feeling that Hunter might have gathered more than just one guy to bring to the SmackDown brand for the night. The cards for the night were smaller than usual, meaning there was room to introduce lots of new faces to the blue brand.

"Um yeah." Mustafa nods. "It was me, then a tag team from NXT, and then a girl from there to i think." He does is best to recall who else he was with earlier that day.

"Tag team?" You reply with furrowed brows. "You know there name?" You ask, you had a bad feeling you knew who they were.

Mustafa is about to reply when you hear footsteps down the hall, it sounds like a small crowd. Then you take a breath of air and almost gag, a familiar scent was wafting through the air.

"Y/N, i've been looking all over for you." Your face goes white at that voice.

You turn around to see Adam, accompanied by the rest of his no good buddies. You swallow hard and nod to him.

"Adam." You nod, deadpan as you look at him.

"Wow, how long has it been babe? A month?" Adam asks as he stares you down with a smirk.

"Two." You reply. "It's been two months." You correct him.

You can feel yourself getting upset, running into your ex was not something that you excelled at. You could feel yourself getting more nervous by the second. Then all of a sudden Mustafa steps next to you.

"Uh Y/N." He catches your attention. "Didn't you say that the catering room was this way." He turns the both of you in the opposite direction of Adam.

You smile a little and jump at the chance to leave Adam and his buddies behind. You nod and turn with Mustafa to leave. The two of you walk away, and keep walking for a little while.

"Thanks for that." You stop and turn to Mustafa when you are out of sight of Adam.

"No problem." Mustafa shakes his head. "Who was that guy anyway?" He asks with a curious smile.

"My ex." You sigh. "The one and only, Adam Cole." You roll your eyes just thinking about him.

"Well he seemed nice enough." Mustafa jokes, making you giggle a little.

"Oh yeah, loads of fun." You laugh a little.

"I bet." Mustafa nods. "Hey, since neither of us have to be here tonight. Do you maybe wanna go catch a movie with me? My treat?" He suggests with a grin.

"Yes, i do believe that would be great." You eagerly agree.

"Cool, shall we then?" Mustafa holds his arm out and begins walking.

"We shall." You giggle. "But the exit is this way." You point to the other door.

"Whoops." Mustafa chuckles.

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