Finn Balor

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You lay in bed, wrapped up in just about all the blankets that you could find, hating life. On the way back from London you'd gotten seated next to some guy with a nasty cold. And it seemed that he'd passed his awful illness to you.

You hated being sick, because being sick meant that people wanted to take care of you. And you also hated being taken care of, you pride yourself on being an independent person.

"Ugh what?" You sniffle and grumpily raise your phone to your ear when it rings.

"Y/N?" You hear your brothers voice on the other end of the line.

"Yeah that's me." You cough in an annoyed and miserable tone.

"Are you okay?" Your brother replies. "You sound sick." He comments as you sniffle again.

"No duh dipshit." You bark back. "Yes Seth I'm sick." You sigh, you didn't mean to sound so mean.

"Okay okay, you don't have to get hostile." Seth chuckles lightly.

"My sickness is not funny Seth." You groan when you hear him laugh. "Now be a good brother and bring me some stuff." You demand in a hoarse voice, listing off some items you needed.

"Yeah alright, i'll be by later to deliver your stuff." Seth nods his head and hangs up the phone.

Seth sets his phone back down on his bed and chuckles to himself, across the room Seth's current travel partner looks up from his laptop.

"That you're sister on the phone?" Finn asks as he closes his laptop.

"Yeah." Seth nods. "She's sick and needs me to drop her off some stuff." He explains as he gets to his feet.

"Oh, i can take her stuff if she needs it." Finn speaks up.

Seth furrows his brows at his friend, he had been having his suspicion about Finn having some feeling for you.

"Are you sure about that?" Seth asks Finn with a raised brow. "My sister can be a real hassle when she's sick." He warns Finn.

"Eh, nothing i can't handle mate." Finn shrugs. "Plus i don't have any plans for the day anyway." He smiles innocently.

Seth nods his head and lists off the items that you asked for, then hands Finn some cash to purchase said items.

"Oh and get her a bottle of red gatorade, she loves them." Seth quickly suggests before Finn leaves.

Finn stops by a store and picks up the stuff that Seth had told him, he was looking for a way to spend some time with you. And you being sick and in need of some company was a perfect excuse.

"Y/N?" Finn asks aloud as he enters your house with the key that Seth had lent him.

Finn's eyes snap to the hall to his left when he hears loud steps, his eyes widen when a huge german shepherd comes barreling towards him.

"Woah there." He tries his best to stop the dog from knocking him over. "Easy now buddy." He pats the relentless dog on the head.

"Rory." You call your dog as you groggily walk after him to see who had entered your house.

You stop in the hall when you see Rory, your german shepherd, assaulting Seth travel buddy and your good friend Finn Balor.

"Rory down." You call the large dog again, this time with a little force. "He's a friend, Finn what are you doing here?" You ask the man as your dog finally sits down and wags his tail.

"Uh something came up with Seth, so i brought you the stuff he said that you needed." Finn grins and holds up a grocery bag of items. "I didn't know you had a dog." He looks down at Rory who wags his tail.

"Oh yeah, this is Rory. I just got him a few months ago. Thanks for bringing me this stuff though, you can set it on the counter." You gesture to your kitchen counter and shuffle that way groggy again.

"Yeah no problem lass, i didn't have anything going on today anyway." Finn chuckles and sets the bag down on the counter.

You nod and dig through the bag, taking out a bottle of cough medicine and some pain killers. You also notice tissues and a couple bottles of your favorite red gatorade.

"Hey this one's my favorite." You smile a little and grab one of the bottles. "Thanks." You pop the cap off of the bottle and use it to wash down the painkillers and cough medicine.

"Of course, so you'd you get sick?" Finn curiously asks as he takes a seat on one of your barstools.

"Some guy i was sitting next to on the flight back from London had a cold." You groan a little thinking about it. "He apparently passed it onto me." You take a sip from the gatorade bottle.

You look at Finn as you drink, he looked just as good as he always did. It made you feel good that he offered to bring you stuff, Finn had always been a small crush of yours.

"I'm planning on watching Netflix and staying warm the rest of the day, if you wanna hang out." You offer him with a small smile. "I promise that i'll try not to get sick, and i'm sure Rory would love to get to know you." You look down at your dog staring at Finn from by your feet.

"Yeah sure." Finn nods his head.

You smile and head over to the couch in your living room, Finn settles in next to you and Rory lays down at your feet. You and Finn flip through the movie page on the tv and then come to an agreement with a disney movie.

A few hours, and disney movies later you laugh a little. You could tell that your cold was starting to fade away. Finn chuckles next to you, humming along to the song playing from the movie. You sigh contently and lay your head on his shoulder, your eyes getting a little bit heavy.

Finn looks gently to his side when he feels a small weight on his shoulder, he smiles to himself when he sees that you are contently watching the movie with him, using his shoulder as a comfy pillow.

"I'm glad you decided to stay." You mumble out as you watch the tv screen.

"Pleasures all mine lass." Finn grins.

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