Finn Balor

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"Y/N." Finn snaps his fingers in front of your face to grab your attention.

"Hmm? Yeah Finn." You turn to your best friend now realizing that he was trying to get your attention.

"You were spacing out again lass." Finn explains accompanied by a slightly worried look. "What's caught your attention this time?" He asks you as he looks in the direction that you were staring in.

Across the room, sitting next to his current tag partner Mike Kanellis, was TJ Perkins. The pair has recently been called up to Raw as a tag team.

"Oh don't tell me that TJ Perkins has caught your attention." Finn shakes his head and turns to you.

"Maybe." You reply with a small grin.

Finn shakes his head again and you roll your eyes in response. You glance at TJ again and manage to catch his attention. The former cruiserweight champion flashes you a dreamy grin before he turns to his tag partner.

"God he's hot." You smile to yourself.

"Yeah sure." Finn nods his head a little. He didn't really care for talking about guys with you. "I'm gonna head back to the locker room." He rises to his feet and looks to you for a reaction.

"Okay." You nod, your attention was fixed on TJ making his way across the room to you. "See you later tonight Finn." Finn shakes his head again and gives you one last look before he heads back to the locker room.

Free from a grumpy Finn you watch TJ as he sauntered over to you and takes a seat right by you, you can feel your heart beat fast as he turns to you.

"Y/N right?" He casually asks as he leans on the bench you both sit on.

"Yeah." You nod shyly, you could feel your cheek heating up.

"Cool, i'm TJ." Perkins nods and holds his hand out.

Back in the locker rooms Finn sulks all alone as he rummages through his gym bag with nothing else to do. He didn't understand why he just couldn't tell you how he felt. How in love with you that he was. All of a sudden the door opens and he perks up thinking it's you.

"Oh, hey Seth." His mood plummets when Seth walks in the room.

"Well hello to you too buddy." Seth chuckles at Finn's response to seeing him. "What's got you all down in the dumps man?" He asks Finn. "Is it Y/N again?" Seth was well aware of his friends huge crush on you.

"Yeah." Finn nods with a sigh. "She's in catering flirting it up with TJ Perkins." Seth nods his head in sympathy.

"You need to tell her how you feel man." Seth repeats the same thing he'd been telling Finn for some time now. "Or she's going to get picked up by someone like Perkins." Finn nods his head knowing that what Seth was saying was true.

"I know mate." He sighs again. "I just don't think she feels the same way, i don't wanna loose my best friend." Seth nods his head again and pats Finn on the back.

"I know man." He answers.

Back in catering you laugh at a story that TJ was currently telling you when you happen to glance at the clock on a nearby wall.

"Oh gosh is that the time?" You ask aloud. "I promised Finn that i'd meet him at the gym in like ten minutes." You explain as you get to your feet.

"Woah slow down there babe." TJ replies as he gets up with you. "No need to get all worked up, just ditch him for the night." TJ casually suggests. "Wouldn't you much rather go out and have some fun with me?" He asks.

You stop and look at the door to the catering room, you promised Finn that the two of you would hang out. But on the other hand, this was TJ Perkins asking you to hang out. Finn was your best friend, always there for you when you needed him.

"Sorry, but i promised Finn." You sigh a little hoping TJ wouldn't be mad.

You watch as Perkins nods his head, you can feel a pit forming in your stomach. TJ looks down at you with a blank expression then speaks up.

"Hey no worries." He tells you. This answers makes you feel better. "We can hang out some other time." You nod and say goodbye before you head out to the gym.

When you get to the gym you scan the room for Finn but don't see him anywhere. Confused as to where Finn could be you look around the room again and see Seth. Since the two were friends you walk over to him.

"Hey Rollins." You flag him down and walk over to him. "Have you seen Finn?" You ask him.

Rollins nods his head and sets down the weights that he had in hand, you raise a brow at the look he was giving you.

"He thought you ditched him for Perkins and stayed in the locker room." Seth tells you in an annoyed tone.

"Oh." You reply quietly. "I'll go see him there then." You nod and go to leave.

Seth chuckles and doesn't let you get far when he yells to you as you leave.

"You should learn to love him a little more N/N." He yells at you.

You furrow your brows at this and walk down to the locker rooms. On the way there you turn a corner and your gaze falls on something that you didn't expect to see. TJ being pulled by the collar of the shirt into the locker room of Sasha Banks, with a more than happy look on his face.

You feel your sink at the sight, you thought that TJ was only interested in you. Upset you walk to the locker room a little faster, you knew the one person that would never blow you off for a girl was waiting for you.

"Finn?" You call out as you open the door.

Finn's head shoots up at the sound of a sad you entering the room, he's on his feet in a second to ask what was wrong.

"Lass? What's the matter?" He asks as he slides to your side ready to deliver a hug.

"Turns out TJ wasn't all that after all." You chuckle to yourself a little.

Finn's face morphs into a frown as he looks at how sad you where, he pulls you into a hug hoping that this would make you feel better.

"Ah he wasn't right for you anyway." Finn shakes his head as you hug him.

"Yeah i guess not." You smile a little, feeling better already.

As you hug Finn you think about what Seth has said in the gym. You needed to learn to love Finn a little more. The more you thought about it the more it made sense. Who was the one that always made you laugh? That never hesitated to help you out? The one that could make you feel good in an instant? Finn. It was Finn.

"Hey Finn." You push off of him so you can make eye contact.

"Yeah lass?" Finn replies.

"I've been thinking, maybe i should stop looking for men to crush on and look at the great man that i've got in front of me." You tell him with a small smile. "You've been there for me always, and i'm sorry i've been to stupid to realize just how much i love and appreciate you." Finn nods his head slowly and takes your hand.

"Don't call yourself stupid Y/N." He tells you. "I was dumb to keep my feelings hidden from you all this time, i've been in love with you for quite some time now." He admits.

You crack a small smile and shake your head.

"Guess we're both bad at this whole relationship thing huh?" You giggle a little.

"Yeah, but we can always work on it." Finn nods and chuckles lightly.

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