Adam Cole

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You walked into the arena for your first episode of NXT, fresh from Ring Of Honor. You were excited to say the least. Sure you loved working in Ring Of Honor, but hanging out with your cousin Hangman Page and his buddies was getting old. You wanted to make a name for yourself as an independent person, not someone that was constantly being backed up by Bullet Club.

You aren't in the arena for long when someone recognizes you, you turn around when you hear your name being called by a familiar voice.

"Y/N is that you?" The voice calls you.

"Ricochet?" You turn around and spot an old friend staring at you.

"Y/N, man what are you doing here." Ricochet rushes over to you ready for a hug. "It's so good to see you again." You grin and pat Ricochet on the back.

"Yeah man it's great to see you to, today is my first day here." You explain.

Ricochet beams proud of you and pats your back as a congrats. You enlist him for some directions to the locker room. He happily obliges and walks you down to them.

"So how's your cousin?" Ricochet asks you as the two of you walk.

"He's fine, i just got tired of hanging out with him everyday." You shrug.

Ricochet nods and gives you one last goodbye before he leaves you at the women's locker room. You head inside and look around, you try and look for someone that might look like they wanna be friends.

"Hey there." A girl with pink pigtails grins and walks over to you.

"Hey." You smile back at her. "I'm Y/N, newbie here." You explain and shake her hand.

"Ooo fresh meat." The girls beams. "Well welcome, i'm Liv Morgan." She introduces herself. "Allow me to be your first friend Y/N." You nod with a smile glad the first person you met was so nice.

You and Liv talk for a little while and you take a locker space next to her, she's happy to get to know you and answer any questions that you have. After you get acquainted with her and the locker room you decide to explore a little bit. Liv leaves you to it since she has a match.

Down the hallway on the other side of the building Adam walks with the rest of his buddies on their way back from the ring. They'd just got done ranting for a good 10 minutes before Regal showed up to stop them.

"Hey did anyone see the new girl that just started tonight?" All of a sudden Kyle speaks up.

"New girl?" Adam replies curious.

"Yeah she's from Ring Of Honor, just started tonight. Rumor is that she's super hot." Kyle explains what he's heard the last few days.

"This new hottie got a name?" Adam asks Kyle, his curiosity now peaked.

"Don't remember, all i know is that she used to run with Bullet Club is all." Kyle is happy to spill what he knows.

Adam stops in his tracks, throughout the years only two girls to his knowledge were affiliated with his old faction. They were Brandi Rhodes, Cody's wife. And Y/N L/N, Adam Pages cousin and Adams former best friend when he was in Ring Of Honor.

"Hey Adam you alright man?" Roderick pats Adams shoulder when Adam falls silent.

"Yeah man i'm fine, lets head back to the locker room boys." Adam announces to the group before they start walking again.

You happily skip down the hall looking for something interesting to do, you are about to round a corner when a voice catches your ears. You stop in your tracks and suddenly remember something. Adam Cole was signed with NXT, you haven't seen Adam in almost two years now.

"Adam?" You turn the corner and come face to face with Adam accompanied by three other men.

"Y/N?" Adam goes wide eyed when you step around the corner all of a sudden.

"Adam!" You grin happily and go in for a hug with no hesitation. "I can't believe it's you man." You hug him tightly.

This action earns a few looks from the other men crowding the hall, you let go of Adam so the two of you can talk face to face.

"You're the new girl from ROH that Kyle was talking about?" He asks you.

"I guess." You shrug happily. "Tonight's my first night here, just signed a contract for a year." You explain.

"That's great." Adam beams. "Oh guys this is Y/N L/N, she's Hangman Page's cousin, and one of my best friends way back when." He turns and introduces you to the rest of the guys.

"Hi." You wave at them all. "Nice to meet you all." The guys share a look and nod.

"Yeah nice to meet you." Roderick is the one to speak up.

Adam turns back to you with a smile, you smile also. It was good to have another person that you actually knew from ROH.

"Hey if you're not busy you can come back to the locker room with us, so we can catch up." Adam offers you.

"Yeah sure." You nod.

You walk with Adam at the front of the group while the rest walk behind the two of you all sharing looks. When you get back to the locker room you and Adam take a seat and get lost in catching up.

Across the room Kyle and Roderick huddle up with Bobby, all three of them share the same idea.

"Is it just me or does Adam seem like, into her?" Kyle asks his friends.

"Oh yeah." Roderick nods his head.

"Definitely." Bobby agree's. "Question is, do we do anything about it?" He asks the others.

The three men glance back at you and Adam sitting awfully close to each other talking away without a care in the world. Then they all share a look and silently agree that you and Adam should be a thing now.

"Wow, you've been up to a lot since you left man." You reply in awe of what Adam told you about his NXT run,

"Yeah it's been fun." Adam nods his head. You watch intently as he rubs the back of his neck and looks at you. "Truth is though, i've missed you. Like a lot." He admits to you. "All the jokes and late nights. Man i should have taken you with me." He sighs.

"I missed you to Adam." You agree and hug him tightly. "If i'm being honest, i'd have dropped everything and came with you if you asked." You tell him.

"Really?" Adam lets you go to look at you with a furrowed brow.

"Yeah." You nod. "Me and you make a great team, plus i always felt like we'd be one hell of a power couple." You crack a smile.

"Oh is that so?" Adam raises a brow playfully. "You think you have what it takes to run with me do you?" He playfully asks you.

"I do." You nod. "Afterall, i'm 90% of your winning personality." You giggle.

"Hey." Adam replies. "Well then let's make this official, i'm taking you out on a date right now." He stands up and pulls you up with him. "Boy's, im taking this lovely lady on a date, so don't wait up for me." He announces to the room before he pulls you out the door.

"Well that was easy." Roderick comments as the door shut.

"Yeah we didn't even have to do anything." Kyle snickers.

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