The Shield

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Dean and his brothers in arms sat in Kurt's impatiently waiting for the Raw GM to get off the phone with whoever he was arguing with.

"Yes all i'm saying is that i think that they'll work well together, and we all know that she's ready to leave the yellow brand." Kurt insists to the NXT GM over the phone. "Yes.....yes, okay. Thank you William." Kurt hangs up the phone with a content sigh.

Silence falls on the room for a second before Roman clears his throat to ask why Kurt had called for all three Shield members at once.

"Kurt you wanna tell us why we're all here now?" He asks the GM.

"Sorry about that boys." Kurt nods his head and apologizes for the wait. "I brought all three of you here so we could talk about our problem with the current tag champs and Braun Strowman." Kurt explains. "With Carmella joining them on their little adventure to take over my show the three of you aren't enough to help me keep order." Dean and Seth share a look.

"So what are you saying Kurt?" Seth asks with a raised brow.

Kurt is about to answer Seth's questions when someone knocks on the door, Roman leans over and opens the door and all four men watch as a H/C girl walks in with a grin.

You had been working out with Roderick and Kyle when all of a sudden Regal had burst into the gym and insisted that you head to Kurt Angle's office. You of course asked why but all you got for an answer was a very pissed Regal mumbling about you being called up. So you hurriedly changed out of work out gear and headed to the Raw GM's office as fast as you could.

"Ah Y/N i'm happy you came so fast." Angle greets you when you walk through the door to his office.

You take a minute to answer him, your eyes are focused on the other three men in the room. The Shield, you were in the same room as the Shield.

"Yeah Angle of course, Regal told me i was getting called up so i came as fast as i could." You nod to Angle and try to focus. "Can I ask why i'm being called up all of a sudden? Not that i'm not super grateful for it." You ask him.

"Of course. Dean, Seth, Roman, i'd like you all to meet Y/N L/N. Y/N this is the Shield." Kurt introduces you to the men by your side.

"Yeah i know who they are Angle, everyone does." You nod your head with a slightly nervous smile.

"The reason that i called you up to Raw out of the blue is because i want you to help me and these boys out with out little authority problem." Kurt explains his idea. "You see our tag champs, Dolph Ziggler and Drew Mcintyre, along with Braun Strowman, have been giving me trouble." You nod your head, you'd been watching episodes of Raw lately. "Well usually i'd trust Dean and his boys to take care of it and restore order, but with the addition of Carmella to Strowman's little crew i'm afraid that it's been a little difficult." You nod again and get what Angle is trying to explain.

"So you called me up to even the odds and make sure that Carmella doesn't keep these guys from delivering an ass kicking to Strowman and his buddies?" You repeat back what Angle had just said.

"Yes that's exactly what i'm doing, if Roman and the rest of his boys decide they want your help that is?" Angle turns his attention back to Roman and the rest of the Shield.

Roman shares a look with Seth and Dean, all three men look at you with curious expressions. You meet their gazes one by one, they all share another look then turn back to Angle.

"If you trust her to help us handle Carmella then we'll take her Kurt." Dean nods his head. "Welcome to the Shield i guess." You grin and shake Dean's hand.

Seth and Roman both do the same as Dean and shake hands with you, Angle dismisses you all to get to know each other a little better before Raw starts. The boys start by taking you back to the locker room.

"So Y/N." Seth is the first to start asking questions. "Why do you think Angle picked you out of all the other woman in NXT?" He asks you looking for an honest answer.

"Honestly?" You reply. "Me and Carmella do have a little history, and I am used to looking out for men." You explain. "In NXT Regal had me helping out Adam Cole and the Undisputed Era out with their problem with Mustache mountain and Shayna Blazer." You recall the countless times you'd gotten in the middle of fights between the men.

"Okay." Seth nods his head.

"What's your style little lady?" Dean is the next to ask a question.

"Umm, i'm mostly submissions and ground work." You explain. "But I do have a knack to fly when I need to or when it's convenient." You nod your head recalling when your signature used to be a moonsault.

Dean nods his head approvingly and you smile, it was going good so far. Roman remains silent for a little bit before he asks his question.

"What kind of ring gear do you wear?" He asks you as he pulls a Shield shirt from the bag at his feet.

"Grey pants and laced boots with a simple crop top usually." You explain

Roman nods liking your answer and throws you the T-Shirt. You take it and stuff it in your own duffel bag. Your the newbie so the boys let you change first while they wait outside. You change quick and fashion the shirt Roman gave you into a crop top, then you let the men change while you wait outside. Once you're all changed you four hang out a bit more.

"Well at least the pants match the shirt." Seth comments when he sees you walk back in the locker room.

"Yeah she looks well enough to not stand out to much with us." Dean nods.

Roman takes a little time to explain where they did their usual entrance and you and Seth decide how you'll be getting over the barricade. You both agree that you can come in and do a ninja roll with him.

The time comes and you all head out to where the boys do their entrance, you manage to hide with Roman and Dean leaving Seth to talk to Drew face to face in the ring.

"Oh and just in case you also decide to bring Carmella along, we decided to pick up a little girl power of our own." Seth grins.

That was your cue, you walk out with Dean and Roman at your side. The sound of the arena going crazy over you as well as hearing Renee and Corey argue about you makes you smile as you head out to the ring. You get out there and take the mic from Seth.

"What's keeping you Carmella?" You ask with a grin. "Scared that your friends can't back you up anymore, cuz i know mine can."

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