A "How to tell evillious characters apart guide but using the "Know your x" meme". Feat Banica.
Umbrella Banica (Master of the Graveyard.... Basically Banica)
Princess Banica (Maylis Beelzenia)
Soldier Banica (Germaine Avadonia)
Mama Banica (Meta Salmhofer)
Dead Banica (Mei Miroku)
I ran out of ideas for Mei Miroku
And finally
Cat Lady Banica (Irina Clockworker possessing Germaine Avadonia's body)
Think I got everyone played by Meiko.
Anyway should I do more of these from any fandom?
The Sparrow Floats East Because It Can (Random Book #5)
De TodoHaving been rejected by the really obnoxious Team Boltron fan club, Sven the Sparrow decided to return home. He swam all the way East to do so, and he grabs an inner tube to float West. Haha no, this is a random book that doesn't have anything to do...