29 • Petty ✔️

168 5 0

Music: Dry Out (Remix) - Maximus [EXPLICIT]

Tails' Workshop

The ebony hedgehog stared out at the setting sun, his ears twitching at the chaos and panic coming from the workshop. It hadn't been long since both 'teams' returned from fighting, both with a least one person severely injured. Seeing everyone coming through the door with injuries only reminded Shadow of the situation - his mate had hurt them. And when Sonic was brought through the door, Shadow walked out.

It was strange for him to see the blue hedgehog unconscious. He was the hero. Heroes weren't supposed to be injured, they were supposed to strive against the enemy and win.

It was only now when Shadow realized that this was real. He had hoped that Jayde was still at home, away from everyone else and this was a sick, twisted dream that his ill mind had created. He hoped it was an illusion of whatever Eggman had injected him with.

But it wasn't.

It was real. That being was Jayde, and she was terrorizing her friends and civilians. She had hurt Knuckles, shattered the Master Emerald. It may not have been her who hurt Jet, Storm and Cleobella, but she was still part of that team. The azure fox had been distant since she returned from Mazuri, mumbling under her breath how it was all her fault. Jaylee had done that. Jayde's lookalike had hurt her friend – did that make it better or worse?

But Jayde – no Raven – had hurt the Hero of Mobius.

It didn't seem possible. Amy hadn't left Sonic's side since they arrived, smoothing down his quills, keeping his wounds clean. Cream looked terrified when she came back, Shadow didn't even have to guess why. She shouldn't have gone. The rabbit was too young to have witnessed something like that.

"If only I had gotten here sooner." Silver muttered, walking out of the workshop with the purple feline by his side.

"Silver, you couldn't have known when it happened." Blaze sighed, placing her hand on his shoulder, "All we can do now is help return her."

"But if I had returned to the past earlier, none of this would've happened! Jayde could've been herself now. She wouldn't have hurt anyone." The ivory hedgehog answered, leaning against the tree the Ultimate Lifeform stood in.

"You may not have got here in time," Shadow spoke aloud, startling the two below, "But who's to say it wouldn't have happened?"

The two futures looked up, standing back as the ebony male jumped down beside them. Silver looked at him, "We could've prevented it from occurring at all."

"But then something else would've happened." Shadow replied, "Even if you try to fix the future, Silver, it doesn't mean the past wouldn't change."

"What do you mean?" Blaze frowned.

"Everything to doctor has done, was already planned out." Shadow sighed, turning away and back to face the setting sun, "It was inevitable. As sad as it is, nothing could've prevented this from occurring."

The three stood in silence, just taking in that thought. Jayde was always going to turn back into her negative form. That was a dark impression. But it only strengthened their will to bring her back – and this time, it would be for good. The purple feline looked back to the ebony male who had once helped save her world. She already knew that he was going to save Jayde – once he made up his mind, it wouldn't change.

The ivory bat walked out and joined them, sighing lightly, "Sonic's going to be out for a while – no one could've taken hits like that without losing a lot of their energy." She quietly informed them, "Jet and Storm are fine, just a bit winded, but Cleobella won't stop muttering to herself."

"She's scared," Silver spoke, "She believed whatever Jaylee told her."

Rouge's ears pinned back slightly before speaking, "You're going after her, aren't you?" They all knew the question was directed towards the ebony male, and his silence confirmed their answer. The female drew a shaky breath, "Shadow, please. She'll kill you."

"That may be true, but I still have to try to stop her," He quietly responded, "I'm the only one who stands a chance against her."

"You can't do it alone." Silver added.

"I have to try." Shadow answered, not turning to face them, "As soon as we find out a way to return Jayde, I won't have anyone else fight her."

Rouge didn't try to plead with him – she knew he had already made his decision. A loud shout caught their attention before two Mobians appeared, a black crystal in Raiden's hands, "Guys!" he yelled, both he and Sonia running up to them, "We know a way to get Jayde back!"

Eggman's Lair

"Excellent work, Moebians!" Eggman grinned as they came back through the door, awaking Raven in the process to which she growled at, "I'm impressed by how many rodents you took down!"

"Please," Torrent scoffed, "Those guys were too easy."

"They were for me – they were clearly a struggle for you." Scourge snorted, "That's why you had Miles helping you."

Torrent gritted his teeth, "It's not like you did much. Jaylee knocked your attacker out herself!"

"At least I can hit someone without needing help!" The green male answered back, smirking smugly.

Jaylee rolled her orbs, placing a hand on her head, "Yikes, too much testosterone here."

"Jaylee, keep your boyfriend under control before I knock some sense into him." Torrent hissed, both males sizing up to each other.

Jaylee snickered, turning to Scourge, "Honey, please don't beat up Torrent. We don't need to exploit his weaknesses further." She smiled sweetly, turning back to the bat, "Good enough?"

Torrent growled, "Did you just say I was weak?"

"You have ears. Congratulations." Jaylee muttered, twisting the inhibitors on her wrists around.

"Come and fight me, and I'll show you how weak I am." He growled.

"Lay one finger on her and you'll deal with me." Scourge snapped, standing beside the grey hedgehog, clenching his fists.

Eggman looked at the arguing with a bored expression before turning to the twin-tailed fox, "Should I just consider this normal?"

Miles shrugged, "Usually it's Jaylee and Scourge. They argue like a married couple anyway."

Torrent turned to the two and smirked, pointing to the anti-Tails, "You heard it there first." Jaylee glared at the fox, but Miles simply shrugged back, a small grin on his muzzle.

"I'll make sure you don't hear anything in a minute." Scourge growled, taking a step towards him.

Raven snickered, standing up, "Your arguments are so petty and pointless."

Rosy raised her hand eagerly, "I agree!"

"Why are you arguing about which one of you is weaker when the simple answer is, you're both weak." Raven muttered, crossing her arms. Both males growled at her. She simply chuckled at them devilishly, "I don't threaten."

"Could've fooled me." Miles muttered.

"I am not weak." Scourge muttered, pointing at her, "Let me ask you a question – if you're so powerful, why do you need to rest and sleep?"

The room seemed to cover other with thick tension, but Raven didn't seem intimidated by this male. She didn't even growl at his questioning of her, "I rest because it stores my power – Jaylee will know this," she turned to the grey hedgehog, "Our powers have limits, but I rest to break past those restrictions. It makes me stronger."

"Well then you better rest up," Miles muttered, looking up from the small surveillance device in his hands, "The big finale is about to arrive."

Raven grinned, "Let them bring it."

Jayde the Hedgehog • Negative Rebound [4]Where stories live. Discover now