1- The Beginning

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I know this chapter is short but it only begins here. I just wanted a short chapter that could introduce Jessamine and Stella, and their relationship. The pictures at the top of the pages aren't mine. This is how I picture Queenstown ( the city Jessamine and Stella live in. )

It all started on our sixteenth birthday. Our aunts never told us about our powerful lineage, but we found out that night when we were with my friend, Amara.

"Come on Jessamine, let's talk about guys!!" Stella said knocking me out of a trance that I was in for some reason.

"Ok, ok. So how is your relationship with Jack?"

"It is going very well, and we are going out to dinner in two days!!" Stella said excitedly.

Stella is a bit of a romantic, but she has the beauty to actually be one. She has bright blue eyes and chestnut brown hair that shines when the sun hits it just right. Meanwhile my personality is somewhat like her, but my looks are the same, as we are twins. I look just like her but my hair is a lighter shade of brown and my eyes are a tiny bit brighter.

"You know what, I am hungry. I will be right back!" Stella exclaims.

After Stella left, I started getting dizzy, and eventually blacked out, but I remember feeling really hot and there being a lot of light right before I fell into my short slumber.

I woke up to Stella screaming and crying over Amara's, limp, broken, and really burned body. She looked up at me and said the five words that I never thought I would hear together.

"She's dead. You killed her."

I started protesting, but Stella was protesting too talking about what she saw. She said that she saw me, before my eyes closed for a couple minutes, with fire radiating off of me.

"It was liked you were possessed. I was really scared that you would hurt me. It was't until the fire cleared that I saw Amara, I have been sitting here for five minutes waiting for you to wake up because I know you would never mean to hurt her or me." Stella cried.

That is when I realized that she was burned too, but she was only burned on her arms and legs, she must have used the door as a shield, luckily her burns were not as bad as they could be, so with proper care she could be healed in a day with proper treatment.

That is when I ran away to the forest my sister following close behind.

Tell me what you think!! I am not that good of a writer and this is the first thing that I have ever written that is totally original and I am not too proud of it, I think I can do better, but I was only trying to introduce the main characters.

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