25- The Battle

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This is the last chapter in this book, but don't worry there will be a second! This chapter will be short, probably as short as the first chapter, but they will get longer when I'm writing the second book.

This is the last chapter in this book, but don't worry there will be a second! This chapter will be short, probably as short as the first chapter, but they will get longer when I'm writing the second book

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We all stood staring at the King as he talked, each one of his words a death sentence.

"My girls, I thought your mother taught you better than this. It is rude to stare. That goes for you too gentlemen." The King scolded.

We all looked at each other, trying to determine who will be the one to talk back. We all decided that it would be both me and Flynn who would talk, a split only because we both felt that it was our responsibility. We took one step forward, then another, then another, being cautious of the ground we were stepping on, for one might never know where a trap might lie.

"Come closer my children, for I don't bite." He mused.

"You may not bite, but you have not only threatened us, but also, and most importantly, you have physically hurt us in the past." I said strongly.

"I like to consider that aspect a mere oversight, a mistake really. I thought you were someone else. You have changed since the last time I saw you at the castle. For the better, I would say." He mused, walking closer, only three feet away now.

"You have no right-" Flynn started.

The king stopped him, and made a look that I could only describe as shocked. "Oh! The brave prince talks at last! And to think I started to think that you were mute!"

"Listen here you-" I stopped him there to give him a quick shake of my head to stop him from swearing. He then went on. "You have no right treat all of us like we are children. We are far more mature than the five year olds you think we are." Flynn screamed back.

"Flynn, calm down, you know how I feel about swearing. He is older than us, and we are still only children, or young adults if you prefer." I whisper, hoping that the king wouldn't hear our conversation. Flynn only gave me a smirk and a shake of his head, mocking me, which gave this confrontation the tiniest bit of innocence.

The King got closer still, now about one foot away, his raw power now running rampant though the space. "Did you say something? You may not know this, but I do hate mumbling. I thought that both your mother and those two "aunts" of yours, as you call them, would have thought you how to be more proper." He ridiculed.

"There is no need to be prim and proper on a battlefield." I retorted.

"Oh, but this doesn't need to be a battlefield. I'll tell you what. Both you and Stella allow me to rule Moonwinter and take your titles, and everyone will be happy, or you can do what you came here to do." He bargained, playing with a spark of flame that came from his fingers.

"We refuse to give up our birthright. You were banished from Moonwinter, you would not get far until you were put into a prison cell." I answered, trying to imitate my mother with her powerful voice.

Before anyone could move, the King struck me with his power. I barely had enough time to shield myself with a transparent electric shield that was big enough to protect the four of us before a ball of fire hit me. I told everyone to run beneath the shield, and they listened. Then I told them to take off into the skies to protect themselves, they rejected the idea and stayed, huddled as the king bore down on us with his power.

That was our plan after all, make the King use all of his power then attack when he was weak. So far, it seemed to be working.

"You know, you cannot hide under that bubble forever. You will have to come out and play sometime." He mused, continuing to barrel his power into the shield bubble to break it.

What he didn't know was that my power would never break, never falter, unless something distracted me long enough to stop using it. My power was eternal, and would never tire nor end.

Just as a thought that could only be described as a thought to keep me focusing, something distracted me. It was the fact that the king was slowing down, cursing at his power to keep going. My shield wavered for a second. Stella covered the patch with a small shield of electricity, I gave a nod of thanks and continued.

Not too long after, the King gave up trying to use power, and instead started to use force. Luke yelled "He's down!" Like clockwork, I dropped the shield, and we all walked towards the struggling King. We surrounded him, thinking that we cornered him. We were wrong.

Before we knew it, there was a group of people surrounding the four of us, all wearing the same armor as the King. They held us, thinking that we wouldn't be able to escape. They were wrong, but we let them hold us for a few minutes while the King started taking about how he was going to use us and that if any of us tried to escape, then he would choose one of us to kill.

"You know that we can just leave right?" Luke asked.

"Let him have his victory for one moment. Though he doesn't deserve it." Stella said.

We waited for another few minutes, then started our countdown so that we would ensure that everyone would make it out.



We were at one when the men put cloths over our mouths with something that made me and everyone else fall into a deep sleep.

I know that this chapter is short, but I planned it that way. Anyway, don't forget to vote and don't be afraid to tell me what you think! I'll see you in the next book!!

Word count: 1024

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