16- Meeting Again

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If you have noticed, I went back to all of my chapters and changed the title of the chapters so that I can tell what chapter it is right away instead of having to count it.. This is how I picture the town square in the far reaches of Dalry that Stella, Jessamine, Luke, and Flynn meet up in. The picture is not mine.


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As Carmilla and I were eating breakfast, I just had to ask her the question of if I could go out later. After I swallowed my last little bit of the delicious pancakes, I spoke.

"Is it okay if I go out to the square to go shopping after this?" I asked her sweetly.

"You aren't stuck here, so go ahead and do what you would like. Just tell me. I would at least like to know when you leave." She responded.

"I will make sure to do that. Would it be ok to bring some friends back? I mean I promise that they won't do anything stupid. Pretty please?" I asked her like a child would ask their mother.

"Fine, but you have to promise that they won't do anything like making you run away. You can do that after you do the task I assigned to you." She said.

"I absolutely promise. I will make sure to tell them." I responded.

"I guess I will see you later." She said.

"Yep. See you later!" I said.

I almost ran out of the dining hall, but I luckily kept myself calm enough to walk out of the dining hall. As soon as the big oak doors closed behind me, it was go time. I ran as fast as I could toward my room so that I could get ready. As I was running to the opposite side of the huge castle, I was thinking of what I could wear. Then it hit me. When I was looking at my clothes earlier before breakfast, I saw a cute white dress that would flow down to my feet. I made it to my room just a few minutes later and headed to my closet to find the dress. A few minutes after that I had the dress in my arms. It had a pretty beaded top, and a long flowy bottom. As I put it on, I heard my maids come in. When I finally decided that this was the dress I was to wear to meet up with everyone, I walked out of my closet door.

"What would you like your hair to look like?" The first maid asked.

The first maid was a small, thin, and short girl that looked only a little younger than me. The second one was a little older, taller, and not as thin.

"How about you choose. My only suggestion is that I would like it to look nice." I said.

They got to work immediately. While the small girl was doing my hair, the second maid asked "What do you want your makeup to look like?"

I simply responded with "Put as little makeup as you can on me. That is how I normally like it."

She got to work then, and at that instant, my mind started racing. I kept think of how well treated I was here. It was like I was back in Monwinter. The only difference was the people and the interior exterior of the castles. In Moonwinter, everybody knew everybody, but here it was almost the opposite. Compared to Moonwinter, the interior and exterior of the castles were polar opposites. Here the castle was dark and dreary. Back at home, everything was light and cheerful. By the time my hair and makeup were done, I started running towards my door. I wanted to get out. I needed to get out of this place.

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