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"you got her number?!" my close friend jack screeched in my ear, making me cringe.

"yes jack, i got her number. can you not be so loud jesus." i moved my head away from his piercing voice. i love jack but he can be very loud.

"yeah sorry. anyways what did you guys talk about?" he put his head in the palm of his hand, getting interested in the conversation.

"um we just talked and she told me to take notes for her because she won't be in school today and she bringing me food." i went over the conversation that briefly happened last night.

"you guys are already at the food exchanging stage? you guys move fast. does this mean that you're finally over amirah?" he questioned.

i rolled my eyes. "you and caleb asked the same thing. first of all i was never into amirah so i can't be over something that i was never into. second of all, just because i attempt a friendship with someone else doesn't mean i like them."

i flinched as jack flailed his arms around in disbelief. "everything that you just said was a lie."

"what?" i furrowed my brows.

"you definitely liked her finn. you were obsessed with that girl. you haven't even blinked at another girl ever since you met her! sadie, millie, and sophia don't count either. this is the first girl friend that you've made by yourself. we introduced them to you and you were hesitant to even smile at them. the only reason you decided to give them a chance was because amirah liked them." jack deadpanned.

i blinked at him with my mouth hanging open.

he's not wrong.

"and you're not saying anything because you know it's true."

i looked away from him, feeling uncomfortable with someone telling me my life story.

am i really that easy to read?

"what did you do to finn?" i jerked at the joined voice.

sophia placed her tray down next to jack as she looked over at me worried. i was rapidly bouncing my leg up and down causing my upper half to shake as well.

my head blocked out whatever response jack had to say as i looked down at my untouched meal.

"finn!" the yelling voice brought me to. i didn't even notice how long i was out of it, i didn't even notice the freshly manicured hand that was placed on my shoulder.

"yeah?" i looked up at amirah.

"are you okay?" she sat down next to me, not breaking eye contact. i nodded but she didn't look very convinced. she placed a hand on my bouncing thigh, stopping it.

"i need to hear you say it." she said sternly.

"i'm o-okay." i unknowingly stuttered, giving myself away that i wasn't exactly okay.

"come on." she got up but i didn't make an effort to move. amirah repeated herself louder when she saw i wasn't getting up.

i got up but i guess i wasn't moving fast enough for her because she grabbed my forearm and made mimic the quick pace she walked.

we passed caleb when we were leaving. he asked amirah where we were going but she ignored him, determined to get to our destination.

she pulled us into the sports locker room that they usually keep unlocked for the jocks.

she sat me down on the bench and crouched down to reach my level.

"what happened?" she asked gently, knowing i was on edge.

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