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i gave morgan a kiss before i made my departure from her to go to the cafeteria. the kiss left her cheeks red and she shied away from me into her classroom.

i pushed a curl out of my eye and went into the cafeteria.

everyone greeted me once i sat down at the table and i returned the nice gesture.

"you're not gonna get lunch?" millie asked with a weird look on her face.

i shook my head. "i'm not really that hungry." i shrugged.

her eyebrows furrowed.

"i think you should get a bag of chips or something just to hold you for gym. you don't want to pass out."

i cleared my throat. "i'm good millie. i had a big breakfast."

"okay." she said slowly, still suspicious.

i gave a reassuring smile and joined the conversation jaeden and caleb were having.

my laugh was cut off once i saw who walked through the doors of the cafeteria.


jaeden noticed my sudden silence and followed the direction i was looking at.

he gasped really loudly, gathering the rest of the tables attention.

"woah." jack whispered.

woah was right. from where i was sitting, i could see the dark circles under her eyes and the evident puffy bags.

her skin was as white as a sheet and it looked bloodless. almost a grey tint to it.

her once opaque pink hair was now faded and it was in a matted bun on the top of her head.

she never pulled her hair up

she wore a plain white tee and sweatpants. it was obvious she didn't really try on her appearance.

overall she looked tired and worn out.

we all looked at her but she didn't make an effort to look at us though.

almost as if we weren't here.

she went on the line for her food and immediately left the cafe once she got her lunch.

she looked down at her dirty shoes the whole walk in and out.

i'm not gonna lie

it did hurt that she didn't attempt to acknowledge us

but i'm moving onto better things

so i'm not hung up on it

once she left everyone looked straight at me, as if i had an explanation.

i simply shrugged my shoulders and made random pattern on the crumby table.

"she doesn't look very well." jeremy blurted our and everyone agreed.

"she's looked really ill." gaten observed.

"well while you guys sit here and talk about her, i'm gonna go try to find her. you would think if someone went missing for a month, people would jump to their feet and see you."

millie got up and grabbed her belongings. she put her lunch in her bag and zipped it up.

"don't all get up at once." she scoffed and left.

after a few seconds, everyone got up and left.

except wyatt.

he stayed asleep, at the end of the table.

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