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"morgan let go of me. josh is almost here." i chuckled as morgan wrapped her body around me like a koala, not wanting me to leave.

she placed kissed around my face, making it involuntarily scrunch up as a laughed.

i put my hand on her lower back, rubbing my thumb over her exposed skin.

"are you gonna come back when you're done?" she asked quietly.

"yes baby, now get off of me so i can get ready." she groaned and rolled off of my body.

"what are you guys gonna do?"

i shrugged. "who knows, we always find something to do."

"is amirah gonna be with you guys?"

i rolled my eyes. "no, i don't even know where she is." i slipped my legs through each pant leg and buttoned them.

"good." she mumbled.


i looked at her with a raised brow and a smirk.

"is someone jealous?" i taunt, walking closer to her.

"no." she blushed.

i watched her for a bit longer and shrugged.

"whatever you say."

i rummaged through my closet for a shirt but ended up just putting on a sweater since it's still kind of chilly out.

my phone dinged notifying me that i had a text. "what does that say?" i ask as i ran some product through my hair.

"he's downstairs." she sounded quiet sad. i put some lotion on my skin really quickly and grabbed my phone.

"are you gonna stay here?"

she nodded.

"alright i'll see you later." i gave her a peck and ran out the room, almost slipping on the hardwood floor.

i put on whatever boots were at the front door and a random coat and left my house.

"finny boy! how are ya. haven't seen you in a while." josh joked as i sat in his new car.

"shut up." i leaned over and hugged him.

"who's car is that." he pointed to morgan's red jeep as he pulled out of my driveway.

i think i can tell him about morgan


"uh it's my friend morgan's car."

the car almost swerved into the next lane which had oncoming cars coming in the opposite direction, almost killing us.

"josh!" i steadied the steering wheel while he looked over at me, not paying attention to the road at all.

"you have a new friend?!" he flared his arms around.

"put you fucking hands on the wheel before i kill us both!" i screech and he obliged.

"is she hot?"

"yes she's hot." i chuckled.

"did you guys fuck?"

"no we didn't fuck."

"did you at least kiss her?!"

"yes i kissed her josh."

the car behind his swerved as we swerved once again.

"does mimi know?"

i rolled my eyes at her name.

"who knows, haven't spoken to her in a couple weeks."

"who are you and what have you done with finn?!" he legitimately screamed making me cover my ears.

"what do you mean you haven't talked to amirah?!"

"i mean i haven't spoken to amirah."

"but why?"

i explained myself and i'm glad we were at a red light.

"you guys got into an actual argument? what the fuck?! that's why she's been acting like that." he said the last part a bit quieter but i could still hear him.


"what do you mean?" my eyebrows furrowed.

"she's been really quiet and wants to be alone a lot. she really ever comes out of her room unless it's to go to a booty call but that's really it."

of course she didn't give up the sex

she's addicted

fucking whore

woah... don't you think that a little bit harsh?

nah, she deserves everything she gets

i mean

i guess


i jumped at the sound of my name.


"i've been calling your name for the past two minutes. you good?" he asked.

"uh yeah, i'm good." i assured.

"okay then, i asked if morgan knows about the fight?"

holy shit

she doesn't know about the fight

how could i forget to tell her?

"no, she doesn't. i'll tell her the next time it comes up."

he nodded and turned the corner.

"where are we going anyways?"

"to be honest, i dunno." he shrugged.



"what do you mean you don't know. where are we right now?" i looked out the window at the unfamiliar setting.

the second he shrugged, my heart race picked up.
my hands started shaking and my breathing pattern became unpredictable.

"dude, you good?"

does it look like i'm good retard?

he pulled over on the side of the gravel road and unbuckled his seatbelt.

"in and out." he guided my breathing and it slowly became normal again.

"alright, now tell me what's up."

"i don't like not knowing where i'm going, it scared the shit out of me dude." my hands were still shaking a bit but i could breathe.

"i'm so sorry, i'll take us back home right now, fuck." he took the car out of park and did a quick u-turn. he put the gps on and the location we were going to was back to my house.

i don't want this to end so quickly but it's his decision so i don't really have any say so

the tension in the air was definitely there but it went away after a while and we started joking a lot, pretending as if nothing happened.

we got to my house and i unbuckled my seatbelt.

"sorry about that, i should've let you know that i was just driving around." he apologized.

i waved him off.

"you didn't know, so it's alright."

"alright well i'll see you around. i know we didn't hang out for long but i just wanted to check up on my little brother."

i smiled. "well thanks for today."

"yeah of course, be safe. oh yeah and finn?" i turned around before i got out the car.

"tell morgan i said hi." he winked.

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